[FM] Experimenting with free use almost got me fired – Adorime
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[FM] Experimenting with free use almost got me fired

Jan 02, 2025

cheng cuiping

In early 2020 my fuck buddy Matt and I started experimenting with free use and both had a lot of fun with it. The agreement went both ways and we would use each other as we pleased regardless of time and place. It was a blast and really exciting to be used as his personal fuck toy. As expected, we both ramped things up and started using the other in more and more precarious situations. When March rolled around and the world shut down because of COVID, Matt and I agreed that we would keep our circle close but keep fucking each other because we obviously weren't going to abstain from sex. The two of us were both working from home so we would regularly work at each other's place side by side so that we could have little fuck breaks throughout the day. They should really allow this type of arrangement in more workplaces because it really helped the day fly by.

Anyway, one day we were both on the couch and Matt was on the phone on a conference call when I decided to mess with him a little bit. I put my feet on his lap and started rubbing his dick through his jeans. He muted the call for a second to harshly tell me to cut it out.

"Free use is free use." I said with a grin

Matt's boss asked him a question on the call so he had no choice but to unmute and engage in the conversation. I took that as my cue and dove towards his crotch. Matt tried to push me away but I slapped his hands off and pulled his dick through his fly and immediately took him into my mouth. As much as his eyes and body language were begging me to stop, his now rock hard dick was insisting I kept going. I didn't want to get him in too much trouble so I tried to make quick work of him. With the exception of some heavier breathing and a couple of stifled groans, Matt managed to keep his cool enough to not arouse any suspicion from his co-workers as he blew his wad into my hungry little mouth. We laughed about it once he was off the call and he vowed to get back at me for it. I loved the idea but didn't realize how much he planned to push the envelope.

A couple of days later I was getting ready to give a presentation to my senior team about a project I had been working on for a few months. It was a big deal and I was beyond nervous despite all my preparation. I didn't like to sit when on calls because I would get too anxious so I always stood at the island in my kitchen. I get on the Zoom call and waited quietly while showing my attentiveness as the first part of the meeting was underway. A minute or so into the call and Matt comes out of the room and stands across from me with a really evil looking smile on his face. I immediately panicked because I knew what he wanted to do. I tried to shoo him away without changing my facial expression, but when Matt just dropped to his knees and started crawling around to me I knew I was doomed. A moment later I feel Matt's hands running up my legs and pulling down my leggings and panties in one shot. Without warning he spreads my ass and dives in with his tongue.

At practically the exact same moment I hear "And with that I'll hand it over to Amy." I do my best to compose myself but my voice is shaking horribly. I'm gasping and trying to calm myself while I talk, but Matt is licking my ass like it's his last meal and to say I was distracted was an understatement. I took a deep breath and continued on but as soon as I got two slides into my presentation I feel Matt slip two of his fingers into my pussy. I squealed by covered it up the best I could by clearing my throat. I gave all the information I needed to give, but my oral skills were severely impaired by the oral presentation Matt was conducting under the counter. I finished my presentation after what felt like an hour but was probably only 4 or 5 minutes. I was sweating as I asked if anyone had any questions with the shakiest voice I had ever used. At this point Matt hand moved in front of me directly under the counter, lifted one of my legs onto his shoulder and was sucking on my pussy in the exact way he knew I liked it best. I couldn't take it anymore and had a violently powerful orgasm right as I was being asked a question by our VP. I completely botched the answer as I was practically seeing stars and could barely stand as I was cumming all over Matt's tongue. Both the presentation and Matt's oral torment were finally over and it was obvious that my bosses were less than impressed with me to say the least.

My phone rang and I got a pretty good tongue lashing from my boss for being unprepared. I wish I could've told him that my poor performance was because of a completely different tongue lashing I had gotten a minute earlier, but I had to just say I wasn't feeling well and that my nerves got the best of me. He was still clearly pissed off at me but agreed to let me stay on the project. Fast forward a few years and I can laugh at it and it just makes for a good story, but at the time it was pretty brutal.

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