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How I saved a girl's life and was rewarded with a sexcapade Iver never been able to top. (Part 1)

Feb 12, 2024


cheng cuiping

Now this happened to me when I was a lot younger, one late August during the summer after I'd just finished 6th form in the UK. It was about a month before I was due to go to university.

I was a little late graduating 6th form college, I'd finished at 19 instead of the usual 18 years of age. My then undiagnosed ADHD and a breakup with my first long term girlfriend, the girl I lost my virginity with had caused me to take a little longer with my A levels than I should've.

This story takes place on a summer holiday in Spain. As my mum was a teacher and hated having to keep us entertained each week of the summer holidays, my parents had bought a little flat 10 minutes walk from a beach where there'd be lots of people my age every year. We'd stay there for the full six weeks each summer, with my Dad joining us for two of those weeks when he could get time off work. This had been happening since I was eleven and with us living so close to the beach I'd go swimming every day.

I've never had the most amazing body in the world, a fast metabolism has meant I've always been on the skinnier side, but eating well every day that summer and swimming every day meant that even though I was on the thinner side, my 5ft 10in body was nicely toned. I've always been fairly good looking and had no issues getting girls but I believe that's always been more to do with my personality than my looks.

That day it was hot, about 34 degrees celsius (93.2F) and so of course I was planning on spending most of the day in the water. The sun was high in the sky and I was currently sitting on a large rock that rose above the water about 50 metres out to sea from the beach. As usual, lots of other people were climbing on the rock and either jumping or diving into the water. I was doing the same. I liked to dive as far as I could, hold my breath and try to swim as far as possible to the shore underwater, with the waves giving me a little extra push. The water was a little choppy that day so there were less kids about and as I climbed onto the rocks I saw a white, bikini-clad, juicy looking ass leaning forward about to make a dive.

On the wrong side of the fucking rocks.

I cried out to her to stop but it was too late, a flash of long blonde hair and pale legs and she was in.

I quickly scrambled to the top of the rock platform and ran to the other side, looking for her. But I couldn't see her through the thick foam as a wave crashed over the base over the rock. Another crash, still nothing. The water only came up to about a foot below where the rock hit and I saw an arm come clean out of the water and grasp onto the side. I grabbed the wrist and tried to pull but I couldn't pull her up. Quickly, I let go and jumped into the water from the side, my eyes stinging from the salty water as I swam round the edge of the rock facing the sea, trying to see her beneath the waves.

She was flailing at the corner, legs kicking wildly, but her hand was trapped beneath a heavy stone. I swam quickly to her, incredibly aware another wave would be coming any second. Grabbing the stone with both hands, and pushing both feet onto the side of the rock for leverage I pulled with everything I had. Luckily, it was just enough for her to prise her hand free and she swam quickly around me and the side of the rock and we both came up for air together.

She was very pretty to look at. A face that looked a little bit like a younger l Alison Brie looked back at me with fear and relief in it's bright green eyes as she panted heavily. She had several freckles scattered atop her nose and full, cupid's bow lips. Long blonde hair floated on top of the service and I smiled at her and motioned with my head that we should climb back on top of the rock.

After we'd clambered onto the rough surface I led her to sit on one of the higher striations that I usually perched myself on when I wanted a break.

"Cheers for that," she said after she'd managed to catch her breath with a lilting Mancunian accent "I thought I were fucked for a second there."

"I know right, I tried to shout when you dove off the wrong side but you didn't hear me." I replied.

"Yer, I've never been to this part of the beach before. Thought the sea'd be a bit more friendly than that."

She tucked a rogue strand of hair behind her ear with a dainty little manicured hand when I noticed blood run its way down her arm from a cut.

"Shit, you're bleeding." I said. It didn't look like a deep cut but it definitely looked jagged.

She brought her hand forward to examine the wound on the back of her hand, the movement of her upper arm drawing my eye to the movement of her larger than to expected breasts for her frame and were slightly too large for such a small white bikini. Luckily, she was too busy examining her hand to notice me looking.

"Damn, I hope I don't need stitches," she said under her breath before looking up at me, 'I'm Leah, by the way. You?"


"Well thanks again Jack, but I really need to go get this looked at. You coming to the club night at the resort tonight?"

She was clearly talking about something going at the all inclusive resort at the far other end of the beach.

"I'm afraid not," I replied, "Quiet night in the the parents."

"Ah okay, shame. Could've had the chance to thank you properly. Wait… Are you old enough to get in?"

I have to admit, that one stung. I hated my slimmer body, sometimes people thought I was younger than I was.

"Are you?" I replied testify.

"How old do you think I am."

"Ugh," I replied. I don't think there's any man on this earth who doesn't hate that stinker of a question

"Twenty one." I guessed.

"Close," she replied, "Twenty, you?" "Same." I lied. What the hell, its wasnt like she was going to find out anyway.

"Yeah that woulda been my guess. Cool, well it's my last night tonight before flying 'ome. So if I don't see ya, well yano... thanks."

"No worries."

With that, she got quickly to her feet to move towards the edge of the rock facing the beach. She was a lot shorter than I realised, definitely not more than 5ft 3. It sucked that she was going, she was definitely one of the hottest girls and seen at the beach that day, a right little pocket rocket.

"Hey!" I called out over the sound of the waves, causing her to look back at me.

"What?" She shouted.

"What, no reward for saving a damsel in di-"

"What? she shouted again, the sound of the waves crashing on the rock and the waves whipping through her hair making it so she couldn't hear. She turned around fully and paced back towards me. I deliberately looked her up and down with smirk on my lips as she came back up to me.

"What?" she asked again, the smirk of her own showing she definitely didn't hate me looking at her like that.

"I said: "What, no reward for saving a beautiful damsel in distress?""

She snorted, before chewing the corner of hee bottom lip in thought. After a moment she reached her hand out and I took it, hopping down off my perch. She then looked steadily at me, clearly trying to gauge my reaction for what she had planned. Clearly coming to a decision she shuffled round to where the rock was a little bit higher for her to stand on. Then all at once,she grasped one hand firmly on my ass and used the other to pull my head down to her, before kissing me fiercely, delving her tongue into my mouth. I marvelled at the soft skin of her back, not wishing to push my luck by going for her round ass. We made out for a good thirty seconds before she pushed away from me.

"Good enough a reward for you, mister knight in shining armour?"

I was still reeling from the mind numbingly excellent kiss, but managed to reply somehow.

"Yeah, but I've not got my armour today, just trunks." It was a bad joke, my game was definitely still developing.

"Well it looks like your steed is trying to escape the castle," she replied with a giggle, a deliberate glance at my crotch and a sexy smirk.

My eyes widened as I realised just how damn hard I was. She just laughed and turned on the spot.

"See you around." she said, and just like that, she was gone.

I went back to the beach again later that afternoon. I'd gone back to the flat for an hour or two to have a fruit salad and a few ham sandwiches for lunch my mum had made. My parents had planned for us to go to the local mall to buy a few items, but my dad had decided as usual that it was time for his afternoon siesta.

With the waves still being a little choppy, I'd decided to bring my bodyboard with me, a five euro styrofoam sort of thing, covered with a thin synthetic fabric and emblazoned with Looney Tunes. I was hoping with the beach quite a bit quieter in the late afternoon, I'd be able to belly-surf all the way from the rock to the beach without any problems.

The first wave sucked, I'd only gotten about halfway. It had looked pretty big, but I must not have timed it right. The water came in at an angle to the rock so if you waited for a good one and got the timing right you could jump off on a diagonal and go off like a rocket. After waiting a good few minutes for a good wave, getting a little chilly from the wind as the sun was now starting to go down, I finally saw a big enough swell that I knew would crest just before my jumping off point.

I nailed it, shooting off hard at top speed. This was the one, I knew I was right and as I was propelled across the water it was sheer exhilaration. The amount of spray made it difficult to see, hence why I liked to do it when there were less people at the beach. But as I got closer to the shore, A blurry shape made its way into my vision, and I had absolutely zero chance to react before -


I went full-force into that shape, knocking what was clearly a person flat onto their back and we went flying on top of the waves, the current still pushing us the rest of way to the shore. My bodyboard was gone, ripped from my arm at the strap.

As we came to a stop I realised I'd landed face first in between what were clearly a very soft and sizeable pair of breasts.

Though i thought I recognised the fabric at the corners of my vision, my suspicions as to the owner of the pillowy breasts my face was buried in were confirmed immediately when in that same Mancunian accent Leah shouted:

"What the fuck! Get off!!"

Half reluctantly, I raised my face from between her soft mounds to look up at her, and her eyes widened in surprise and recognition.

"Shit!! I'm so sorry, are you okay?" I said.

She seemed to come back to her senses and responded with "Jack?! What the fuck dude, don't watch where you are going?!"

"Sorry, I couldn't see you until it was too late. Too much water in my eyes."

"Well you can see me now, do I look happy?" she snapped with a glare.

"Well you look pretty hot from down here" I said with a cheeky grin.

She tried to glare but there was nothing in it and she levelled her eyes seriously for a few seconds before she said, "I can tell."

She rubbed her thighs together and my rock hard cock, which yet again I hadn't noticed got a jolt of pleasure from where it lay atop them. She responded to my involuntary slight roll of my eyes with a mischievous grin.

"Now, are you gonna get off?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well… I don't want everyone to see my…yano."

"Well that boner isn't gonna go down while you're laid on top of me like this, is it?"

"Fair point."

While the beach was certainly quiet there were still quite a few people catching the last of the sun on sun loungers, and a few families still playing on the sand. I really didn't want anyone to see, so I quickly rolled off her in a full spin and laid face down in the sand.

Leah giggled again. It sounded almost musical.

"Well that doesn't look obvious," she said "Is there gonna be a dick shaped hole in the sand when you get up?"

"Ha, fucking ha." I said sarcastically.

"Don't be like that," she said "I just got this skirt, did my makeup and everything, and now I'm sure it's all running down my face and there was fuck all point to straightening my hair."

I looked up at her as she sat up, her makeup had barely moved, her green eyes were framed with a shimmering ochre eye shadow and her scarlet lip gloss hadn't moved. Sure her eyeliner had ran a touch, but I was barely noticeable and she looked damn hot.

"You still look great to me" I replied. While still having the same, barely fitting bikini top on, her pleated cotton black mini skirt was shining with water.

"Yeah well this skirt feels gross." she said, looking down and trying to wring some water out of it, hiding a blush.

"Take it off then." I answered nonchalantly. It would be nice to see those tiny drawstring bikini bottoms again.

"Not unless you'd like to never get up, I've only got a little black g-string string on."

Just the description sent another throb to my cock. She smirked at me again. She knew she looked sexy as fuck and clearly lived for the tease.

"Come on, get up and i'll stand in front of you if anyone is looking." she said, getting to her feet and out of my eyeline.

"Fine." I replied and slowly started to turn onto my back, both hands hastily covering my junk.

Leah however, had chosen this moment to stand above me with both legs straddling my head. She hadn't been lying about her negligee, as I saw straight up her skirt and cast my eyes over the tiniest black g string I'd ever seen. Even the triangle covering her nethers was slightly see-through. I could just make out the lips of her pussy and it was clear that she was completely shaved, I'm pretty sure I made an audible gulp.

"My knight in shining armour is struggling to hide his sword now, isn't he?"

"Take those knickers off and I might impale you with it" I growled.

"Promises, promises," she replied with a laugh, but after stepping away from me, said, "Let's go for a swim, it's not like we both don't need to cool off and this skirt is already ruined anyway".

I was definitely game, so I got to my feet, trying to keep the tent in my swimming shorts covered with my hands. Finally, when I was standing, I looked back at Leah who was grinning her pretty little smile back at me. She then stepped forward to me, shoved her hand between mine and grabbed my cock. With a quick squeeze she kissed me roughly.

The kiss left as quickly as it came, but was replaced with a sexy as fuck look in her emerald eyes as she simply said "Race ya."

As she ran back into the ocean, I couldn't chase her fast enough.

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