I became "free use" for a week-end camping [FMM]
In my second year of college, I was kind of broke. No, not kind of broke - absolutely broke. I refused to go into debt and while I worked part-time at a good grocery store (the kind that pays way above minimum wages), it was barely enough to pay tuition, rent, utilities and a bit of food. I'm not going to say that I starved, but my budget for food was a couple of dollars a day. This in effect meant I had very little money to do, well, pretty much anything else.
I did go to bars quite often, and got my fair share of drinks paid by men, but this was the extent of the fun I could have. After a tough term, I was really exhausted, and badly needed vacations to rest and recover. I looked at trip at some beach places, but hey, there was no way I could even think about affording that.
There was a guy I had been sleeping with for a little while, on and off. Another student at college. He told me he was going on a camping/fishing trip with a few of his buddies. It wasn't exactly a beach and hotel, but they had a pretty nice lake and place to camp. I'm not normally that kind of girl, I prefer massages and spa and sunbathing, but I simply couldn't let the occasion go. As far as vacations went, this was probably the most I could get that summer, sadly.
There was just one problem, really: I'm repeating myself, but I did not have any money. Camping isn't the priciest getaway, but I did not have a cent for gas, food, alcohol, the cost to buy or rent a tent and sleeping bag, etc. It was a couple of hundreds bucks I did not have.
Steve never even asked me for money. "I'm driving there anyway, so it's not much extra gas. Also we'll share a tent."
I then asked who was wanting. He said it was him and his two best buddies. The three of them had been going camping every summer for years. I would be the only girl.
There would be swimming, fire camps, fishing, walking trails, and of course a lot of drinking. Deep inside, I badly wanted to come as I needed a break for the city, but I knew my cash was that limited. Steve insisted he would handle everything, but I felt bad just tagging alone and not contributing.
"I'm sure you can be of some use to someone there," he said with a grin. "Ever fucked in nature?"
I couldn't say I had. Not one to go in forests much, not one to camp much. Maybe once or twice as a kid but that was it.
"Sex in camping is the best. You've got to come, I insist. It won't be the same without you."
I managed to scramble a $20 from a previous birthday and bought a few beers and snacks. It wouldn't last all week-end, but it made me feel less bad about being a freeloader.
We drove there, set up our tents and by the time it was done, it was almost dark already. Steve cooked us a little something on a grill (it was a nice place with everything you needed, even toilets and a place to shower. Not just in the middle of the wood) and one of his friends offered me wine, which I graciously accepted. As the darkness fell, we make a campfire and the discussion quickly turned sexual.
They asked me how long Steve and I had been together. Steve corrected them, saying we weren't together; neither of us was looking for a relationship. Alcohol had me brave, so I just said it: "We just have sex." They seemed taken aback by my bluntness. One asked me if I fucked other people. I confessed that I did.
He was curious. Asked me what people. I said sometimes people I've known for a while that are back in town, sometimes other students at my college, and sometimes even strangers at bars. They seemed impressed. I turned the table on them and started asking them questions. They both seemed a bit unexperienced; one was in a stable, long-term relationship that "wasn't going to well," other had been single for a bit.
I wanted to go for a swim. While it was night, the air was still a bit warm and water would be refreshing. Now, although I had my swimsuit, I much prefer to swim naked, and saw no reason to put one at this hour, in the darkness. I told the boys I was going skinny dipping, and the all followed.
We ended up, the three of us, naked, only illuminated by the night. I was kind of turned on, really. Ended up in Steve's arms, kissing, pushing my body against him, and feeling his hardening dick, a little preparation for the night we'd spend together.
"You should have seen Ben looking at you," he said, as I had undressed in a relatively illuminated place. "Hasn't seen a woman naked in years."
"Really? How does he?"
"You should offer him some comfort. Tease him a bit."
"How?" I asked, but then I thought how silly I sounded. I swam to him and started chatting up. Said how nice the moonlight is. Got slightly closer to him, a big smile on my face, and then put my arms around him.
"What are you doing?"
I grabbed him and put my head on his shoulder, my breasts firmly pressed against him. "Hold me," I said.
"Is Steve okay with this?"
"He's the one who brought up the idea," I giggled.
"Oh, I see, because I've been single for a while."
"Said you hadn't seen a naked woman in over a year."
"Hey, I've seen naked woman in the past year... On the internet." I brought my pussy to his cock, and kissed him. "Are you sure?" I said.
"I am sure," I replied. It was as if I had flicked a switch in him. He grabbed ass and rubbed his dick on me until he was hard.
"Hey, two you!" It was the third guy, Alex. "It's getting late, we should go back." Ugh. Well at least mission accomplished on the teasing part.
"You can't leave like that," Ben said.
"What do you propose?"
"Sleep in my tent instead of Steve's," he said. "You've slept with him enough. My turn."
I did a small laugh and told him Steve had been nice enough to invite me, drive me here, etc. He seemed really disappointed.
As for me, I was really turned on. Alone with three boys at camping, at least two wanted to fuck the shit out of me.
No need to dress back up, right? I stayed naked, carrying my clothes along with me back to our little camp. The only thing covering me was a towel on my shoulder, that I used to dry me off.
I noticed how they were looking at me as we walked back. They admired my ass, my boobs - especially Ben, whose dick seemed about to explode.
"Gonna dry faster like that," I said as I got in front of our fire, my entire body exposed. Steve added a log and the fire rekindled. They could all see my naked body.
The boys hadn't dressed back up yet, but they had all put at least their jeans back on.
"Are you sure you're not col..." Alex started.
"Shut up," Ben said. His eyes weren't moving from me.
"Alright buddy, you can have her tonight," Steve said.
"Really?" he sounded like an overexcited little kid.
"Hey, what about me?"
"You have a girlfriend, Alex."
"That I haven't seen in almost a year! It might even be longer then Ben. I deserve t..."
"Let's play it. Rock paper scissors."
"Excuse me, boys."
In that little conversation, they were completely ignoring me, as if I didn't existed. They just assumed I would fuck the winner of their little game. Which I would have, but that's besides the point. What did Steve tell them about me?