I [F19] discreetly sucked off a stranger on a plane and he came in my mouth [MF]
TL,DR: Met an older guy at the airport bar who was on my same flight, we got drunk together, I sucked his cock on the plane, he came in my mouth, I swallowed, said thank you, never saw or spoke to him again.
I'll try to keep this one brief because my past stories have been way too long lol
This happened in this most recent December so like 7 months ago. I was flying home from LA where I go to school back home to Toronto to see my family for winter break (back before coronavirus shut the whole world down). I was at the airport with lots of time to kill because I'm always paranoid about missing my flight so I always get there like 4 hours too early. It was nighttime and I stopped at a bar restaurant thing (think like a Chili's lmao) to get some water. As I'm sitting there on my phone, this older guy, maybe in his 40s, starts chatting me up. He's pretty good looking, like he definitely had his day where he was pulling lots of girls. I asked him his name and he said Teddy, like the kind you sleep with at night... so his intentions were pretty clear from the beginning. I kept talking to him because I was really fucking bored and because I thought it was kind of hot this DILF was so forward with this girl young enough to be his daughter.
He offered to buy me a drink and I immediately said yes. Luckily I decided last minute to bring my fake ID back home with me so we were sitting there, drinking, and talking. He was actually really funny and charming! After a few Long Island's, I could feel myself getting drunk and also my pussy getting wet. He asked where I went to school and he told me his daughter graduated from there the previous year. Idk why but that just made my pussy gush. I never thought I'd be into dads but the idea of fucking one of my classmate's dads just made my pussy throb. I was wearing like a skintight black turtle neck and I could tell my nipples got hard because at one point he just started staring right at them lol
Any way, when we get up to leave, we discover we're actually on the same flight and he's taking a trip out to Toronto to see some old friends who moved up there for work. Unfortunately our seats were nowhere near each other. I joked, "That sucks now I can't give you that blowjob." I immediately turned bright red. I couldn't believe I said that. I was fucking drunk. He looked at me surprised and I just said, "I'm sorry, I'm a little drunk" and we laughed. We boarded the plane and sat in our separate seats. About an hour into the 5 hour flight, I got up to pee and on my way to the toilet in the back of the plane, a hand reaches out from one of the rows and grabs my arm. It's Teddy. He said "Hey, I lucked out and the seat next to me is empty if you wanna come join me." I smile and giggle a bit as I walk away because I really had to pee and also was still very drunk.
I peed and came back to sit with Teddy. I stepped over him to take the window seat and put my ass right in his face. I know he loved it. He ordered more drinks for us and we picked up from where we left off. I was getting drunker and he was getting more handsome and the thoughts rushing through my head were making me squirm in my seat. At one point, tho, I had too much and started getting dizzy. He lifted the middle armrest and told me to lay my head on his lap. He covered me with his jacket and stroked me. I was too dizzy to think sexually and just fell asleep.
When I woke up, the lights were completely off except for the little safety LEDs to lead to light up the aisle ways. Everyone around us was asleep with headphones on and a blanket covering them. Teddy had also fallen asleep. I felt better now and realized this whole time, my head was resting on his dick. And he was hard. I bit my lip. I went back to being horny immediately. I started rubbing his hard cock through his pants while his jacket provided some cover. I was so nervous even though it was so dark and I had a jacket to cover me. But I knew this might be a once in a lifetime chance to suck off a hot dad so I took the leap. I started to unbutton his slacks and I unzipped him. I kissed his cock through his underwear. God he was so fucking hard.