I let unpopular younger classmate eat me out [FM]
I am a tall, pretty (25F) Chinese girl, nice face and long hair.
Two weeks ago I had to finish some work for uni (I study Finance at King's, London) and invited one of my classmates at home to help me finish the homework. This guy is very shy, awkward, rarely makes eye contact with anyone and is not very popular in my course. He's small, younger than me by 3 years! (22M) He also looks younger than his age, almost like an 18-year-old boy. He's very thin and comes originally from China, like me. However, he's got very high grades and always takes lots of notes during lectures.
I always prefer to study alone or invite female friends. I feel unsafe around guys, as they generally find me attractive and try to get close with the intention of pursuing a romantic or sexual relationship. In this case, I made an exception because the guy in question has very high grades, is younger, harmless, and doesn't seem interested in me or any girl. I thought it could be a good opportunity to learn from him, and advance my assignment.
So I tell him "Let's meet at 1pm at mine", which is more convenient for me. He lives quite far. He has to take 2 buses and metro to come. When he arrives, I go downstairs to open the door for him. We are wearing matching clothes! I have a small white t-shirt and white shorts. He is also wearing a white t-shirt, white gym pants and a white backpack. I don't remember ever seeing him wearing those clothes, but then again, I never really "see" him. Anyways, I let him in and we go to the kitchen. We start working on our uni assignment together. It's hard to tell if he's shy or autistic. He hardly speaks. We work in complete silence.
We finish the assignment quickly, by 2pm. We are quiet but very productive. He starts packing and is about to leave and all of a sudden I feel a bit guilty about asking to come such a long way just to help me, so I say "Do you want tea?". He nods, so I make tea. When I came back he is holding some playing cards. He asks "Do you wanna play a game?"
We end up playing some sort of Truth or Dare, I thought it'd be fun and I really wanted to bully him and bring him out of his shell. We start playing, I lose first and he beats me with pillows, then he loses and I have him clean the table and wash the dishes. Then he loses again, and I have him give me a foot massage. Then he licks the toes of my left foot haha that was funny because I was tickled and couldn't stop laughing. That made him smile too, and brought us closer together. Then he loses again and gives me a shoulder massage. I forget some of the stuff we did but it was all playful. Then I lose and give him the same shoulder massage, then a leg massage which I think gave him an erectionā¦Hard to tell because I think he's very small.
We enjoyed the game, so after 30 minutes or so, we take a break with more tea and cereals and then resume playing. This time I lose first, and give him a hand massage, then I lose again and wash his hear, we went to the kitchen sink and I washed his hair with shampoo, then dry it with my hair dryer. Which took 30 seconds because his black hair is short and thin. Then he finally loses and I have him lick my feet again. This time, the whole footā¦This made me feel more aroused than I imagined. And he seems very happy to do it. Maybe it's something he always wanted to try. There is a lot of silence and he takes his time to slowly lick my feet, both, one after the other. He even makes noise every-time he sucks a toe off. He puts it in his mouth, then work it with his tongue, then finally pulls it away from him slightly, sucking and making a loud noise.
At this point I am on the bed, propped up on my elbows, staring at him while he licks off my foot. My legs are up in the air and he is holding one. Sometimes I giggle, or laugh and so does him. At one point, he starts licking my ankle, then he keeps going, now onto my calf. It tickles me so sometimes I laugh. I think it's fun as I have never been licked like this before. I also feel that he wants to test where my boundaries are. I can sense that he is now very tense. He is expecting me to say "Stop" but I feel good and don't say anything.
The little Chinese boy keeps licking my leg. He's now done with the outside, and he's moving in slowly towards my thigh and the inside of my leg. Suddenly I feel so hot, like a heatwave running through my back at this point. I am too embarrassed to ask him to stop, but now he's also very close to my pussy, maybe three inches away. He's probably smelling it already. And, as I think about all these things, I feel suddenly very weak, maybe because of the tension build-up, so I stop looking at him and tilt my head backwards all the way. Thinking back, maybe I knew what was going to happen and didn't want to look or "take responsibility".
There is complete silence in the room, the time stopped a while ago, I cannot hear anything, except for my own breathing becoming heavier and heavier, or his, doing the same. My eyes are closed shut and my long black hair is down, touching the bed. Finally, he stops. Then, the unexpected. He brings my feet together with one hand, and with the other hand takes off my shorts. He lifts me gently, then sweeps them off from under me, then does the same with my panties. I am immobilised and decide to do nothing.
I don't know if this Chinese boy has practiced before, but I was never eaten this way before. He starts licking around the pussy, then pushes gently on it with his tongue. He grabs my waist and pulls me towards him, makes himself comfortable, then makes his tongue pointy and gives me gentle thrusts with it. He keeps doing it until he penetrates with his tongue. I feel a sudden rush, like electricity running though my body. I never thought we'd get to this point.
Then, he eats me with such energy. He spends at least 10 straight minutes eating my pussy out nonstop. Nobody ever did me like this before. He seems very experienced. He licks my lips, one by one, then bites them off gently, then pulls them with his teeth slightly, then licks them off again, one by one, then he helps himself with his hands and spreads the lips, until the pink side is exposed. Then licks it like he's done it a hundred times. I came... I actually hurt him a bit because I squeezed my legs so fast he had no time and his head got stuck in between. I was shaking. I could not believe it. The youngest, smallest, most insignificant boy in my course, had just made me cum, like a little girl. I never experienced a Chinese guy as they rarely approach me. I only get approached by Westerners.
After that, I had no strength left in my elbows, so I let go and simply lay down in bed, staring at the ceiling, just feeling so good but maybe a little bit ashamed about the whole situation. I take a quick look at him, and it's so strange to see this small boy, that looks even smaller as he's next to my long thin pale legs.
I cannot remember exactly what happened after that. He goes to the toilet, then we both have some water, then he comes back to bed with me and we have a quick chat about uni and other things. It is now 4pm and it is time for him to go. I am sitting on the bed, with my arms wrapped around my legs. He is just next to me, sitting, with a slight smile on his face.
I can tell he wants to kiss me but he's so shy that he doesn't even know how to do it or how to ask. So, I decide that maybe I should be the one kissing him good bye, or at least send him off. So I lean closer to him, for a quick kiss, but as I do so, to my surprise, he doesn't kiss me back. Instead, he leans back and pushes me gently with one hand, just below my neck, until I fall backwards and lay on the bed again. Then he picks up one of my anklesā¦then the otherā¦ then he pulls my legs up and goes down on me, again. I let him. This time he's a lot more comfortable and so am I. There is no tension, only lust and pleasure. I spread my long legs wide open and grab his hair with my hands. He looks at me as he eats me, spreading my legs further. I enjoy it completely. Needless to say, he eats me like a starved kid. It does me so good, I let out a moan, then scream. I come againā¦even harder, like a little girl.
After that, he finally kissed me. I helped him take his pants off and we had sex. I think it was his first time, he lasted 10, maybe 15 seconds. I hope no classmates ever find out.