I [M] just got eye fucked on a train by younger girl as my girlfriend slept next to her.
Long time lurker but this just happened so wanted to write it as it was fresh in my mind. Please bare in mind I'm typing this from a train.
I would say I'm not that attractive, 6 foot, a little overweight, beardy with glasses. Typical nerd look, but I've done very well with women somehow. I'm 35, done my partying settling down now with long term girlfriend, but I've had some wild times in the past and have some great stories that I will share in time.
Currently on holiday, south Italy and it's hot. 38 degree C for the past few days. Lots of girls walking around with not much on and it keeps my eyes busy behind my dark sunglasses. Well here is where it starts:
Girlfriend and I are on a regional train, now if you don't know the regional lines in South Italy are slow, hot and busy. We traveling about an hour up the line. Sat on a group of four chairs, 2x2 facing each other. Girlfriend is at the window with our two bags on the chair opposite, i'm sat across from the empty seat next to her, travelling backwards. This is also the last group of chairs before a door to get on or off so people walk by alot.
It's hot, so so hot and everyone on the train is showing it, personally I'm sweating like crazy with only the tiny breeze through a small window to cool down the train. I knew it was going to be hot but I still put on trousers today, navy thin cotton trousers. With this heat I've not been wearing boxers under them as to try and keep the boys cool.
The slow rocking and rolling of the train soon makes my gf doze off and I jump onto some work emails, as I don't like to work when we are both meant to be on holiday. The train stops and people come and people go. I don't notice the girl that has just sat opposite me for at least a stop as I was too engrossed in the email thread. I just see these sandeled feet opposite and notice she is wearing yellow.
The email is done and I pop my phone into my pocket and look around the train. The girl opposite me is stunning. Huge brown eyes with amazing eyelashes, brown hair I guess she's early 20s skin is perfect and a few freckles on her shoulders.
I take my time to really check her out. White and yellow sundress on, tiny straps over her shoulders, four buttons in the front and it comes to a few inches above her knees. I can instantly see she is not wearing a bra (which seems to be very common here) as the slow rocking of the train is making her breasts slowing bounce they are a large B cup. She's petite, maybe 5'3 ish thin but not too thin. She has with her a cream handbag. Her hair is in a ponytail.
Her phone goes off and she answers and spends 10 mins talking quite loudly in Italian to some poor sod on the other end, she's not happy about something but I don't understand the language so no idea what it is. I'm using this time to really look at ever inch of her. Checking to see my gf still asleep as I don't want to get caught looking, life is too short for that.
I sit back in my chair taking it all in. Damn she's perfect, 100 percent the type of girl I would go for. It as this time that I realise I'm sat kind of man spreading, these cotton trousers have a tight fit and the crotch seam is right between my balls giving me whatever the male equivalent of cammels toe is. Noticing this sends a rush of blood to my cock and it twitches, the combination of heat tight trousers and beautiful girl opposite start a bit of a semi going.
She finishes her call and goes back to casually looking around the train. No visible makeup on, no lipstick but pretty full lips. I start instantly imaging how good they would feel around my dick or on my balls with my cock across that pretty face. Cock twitch again.
We are sat pretty close for a train really and I sure I've just seen her glimpse between my legs. I mean you can totally make out the shape of my cock and balls right now. I pass it off.
Another five or ten mins go by and we catch each others eyes a few times. No response just the type of stuff that happen on a train. I start staring at her breasts again, pretty obviously as they bounce to the rocking if the train, my mind wanders to what they would look like her on her back and watching them rock from getting fucked. My dick is semi hard now for sure.
I catch her looking. She is looking directly between my legs. She looks up catches my eye then looks away. Shes pretending she's wasn't but I caught her and for the next few mins I catch her doing is a few more times. We lock eyes and I give the most minute eyebrow raises she smirks back.
She is playing with her pony tail, running it through her fingers. I'm staring. Full on. Checking her out. She knows too. She looks back at me and smiles a tiny smile and goes from looking into my eyes to straight at my dick. I flex the muscle in that area (forget it's name) and my dick moves. She smirkes and looks back at me. We both now know that my semi is for her. She seems to like that as I notice her nipples starting to get erect and it is not cold in here.