I saw every single one of my friends [18F] get fucked in public by American tourists [FM]
Every single year, my friends and our families take a long trip to the city of Cajamarca. During the first weeks of February, there's a pretty famous party called El carnaval cajamarquino, or Cajamarca's Carnival. It's not nearly as big as the Brazilian one, but it is still the most important and massive party in the entire country.
It's great fun. We've been going there since we were little. People dance and drink and throw paint at each other. The food is great and there are multiple small festivals every day of the week. My friend group also participates in a couple of small events, mainly the parades. We do a lot of regional dances that consist of a lot of zapateo, which is basically happily jumping around. Marinera, huayno, carnaval, caporalā¦ we do it all.
It used to be the best part of my year as a child because I love to dance, but it's gotten a little bit awkward as I grew up. You see, dancers in these kinds of events wear very little clothing. The entirety of the wardrobe usually consists of really bright and detailed folkloric clothes, a beautiful hat, and an EXTREMELY SHORT skirt. When I say short, I mean short. And because all the dancing we do consists of jumping around, nothing is left to the imagination. Of course, most of us make sure to wear something under the dress, but still. Our legs are completely naked and it does not help that a lot of people have started to fetishize the dancers.
This year I skipped out on the dancing. It got a little bit too awkward for me. A lot of people hit on you and I'm not used to that kind of attention, especially now that I cannot excuse myself in the fact that I'm not a minor. My friends didn't really care and enjoyed all the flirting, so they just kept dancing. They were also really excited about participating as adults in the real party for the first time: the nightlife of the city. When the events end and most of the children go to bed, people start to party hard in the middle of the streets and things usually can get pretty wild.
Well, the day finally came. My friends danced most of the day and I accompanied them from afar, going after every food stand I could find. When the parades ended and the sun went down, they joined me and invited me to an after-party. They were going to have some drinks while waiting for the fireworks. Aside from a few sneaky drinks during high school, most of them were not used to alcohol, but because our parents were too busy partying elsewhere, there was nobody near to stop them, and they just kept going for drink after drink on empty stomachs.
One thing I failed to mention is that these parties are usually swarming with gringos. People come from everywhere to party in Cajamarca and most American tourists like coming here before traveling to Cuzco, the main course.
A group of them approached us while we were drinking in a park. They were white, handsome, and absolutely gigantic. I swear to god, my shortest friend seemed to be half of some of those guys. They were really friendly and tried speaking in Spanish with ChatGPT which was hilarious. My friends can speak a little bit of English, so they invited them to have a couple of drinks. With music blasting everywhere, they had to get really close for us to hear anything they had to say, something my friends loved. Eventually, they brought some more drinks and they all got completely wasted. They were drunk to the point that they couldn't even translate with their cellphones what they wanted to say and my friends forgot what little English they knew.
I left for a couple of minutes to buy water for my friends to sober up, but when I got back, by pushing multiple crowds aside, I found them all in the grass making out. It was not just some friendly kissing or even passionate kissing. They were all straight-up dry-humping. The guys that were not shamelessly groping my friend's uncovered asses were rubbing their pussies with their fingers while the girls just laughed like that was the most normal thing in the world.
Because there were so many people in the streets, nobody seemed to notice. It was the most bizarre experience of my life.
I just stood there, not knowing what to do or how to react. For a second I thought that maybe I should intervene, but they seemed to be having so much fun. And, according to what they always say, this was the best-case scenario. This is exactly what they dreamed of during this kind of party. A part of me thinks that this was the exact reason why they were still using the costumes. My friend's thick thighs, giant asses, and brown bodies with those tiny, revealing skirts were nothing but bait for white cock.
The parties eventually got more intense and people were pushing each other while trying to dance on the streets. My friends were completely surrounded, but nobody but me seemed to care about the spectacle. I thought about leaving, but everything just felt like a fever dream. Things got rougher when the tiniest of my friends, a pure, lovely girl I grew up with and shared my profound love for My Hero Academia, started getting her small tits sucked by a complete stranger like they were pacifiers while having a maniac laughing fit. For some reason, this emboldened the rest of the guys. Skirts were lifted, panties were broken and every flirty laugh became moaning.
When my friend Jessica was penetrated on all fours with her skirt still on, people started to notice everything. The crowd started surrounding us and flashes of multiple cellphones started exploding everywhere. The friends who were not being numbed by the pleasure joined the celebrating chorus of the drunk crowd. Men and women alike screamed laughed and cheered for what seemed like hours while most of my friends were getting railed. Soon, some of them started getting frisky as well and everyone seemed to be making out with everyone. It's spread like a virus. When multiple people tried groping me in the middle of this impromptu orgy, I knew it was time to leave. I tried taking my friends out with me, but they either waved me away or acted like nothing else existed aside from the cock destroying their young cunts.
To this day, they still bother me saying that I wasted a perfect opportunity to live out a wild fantasy. I don't know how to respond to that.