[MF] How my stepdaughter ruined my young marriage (Part 2)
We are waiting outside the car for her daughter to walk out of the airport and I am nervous as SHIT. Im stressing that this womans daughter WHO IS MY AGE is going to be super attractive.
And then my wife gets all excited and shouts "thats her" as she runs towards her daughter. Thank god I had nothing to stress about (or so I thought for a while). Her daughter was cute, sure, but nothing exciting or stand-out-ish. She was about a foot smaller than me with blonde hair and blue eyes, a pretty face, but was dressed in all baggy clothes. After my wife hugged her daughter I introduced myself and we shook hands and greeted each other with smiles.
I was so relieved, life would be so simple; a beautiful wife, kind and reserved daughter, and now a trip to Hawaii to look forward to.
Fast forward to the next morning: I woke up feeling great and went to the kitchen for breakfast. As I was cooking my eggs my new stepdaughter appeared from down the hallway. We said goodmorning as she walked into the room and began discussing our lives. She explained her situation and why all her friends ditched her (not relevant but a wild story as well). I told her about how I met her mother (not all the truth but the key details that didnt make us look bad) and all was going well.
Until she stood up. Now, I still cant tell if this was on purpose or not, but her robe slipped right off when she stood up. Oh. My. God. Her mother is beautiful, but compared to her? Nobody held a light. She was so petite, yet still muscular in her legs. Her ass was nice, but her tits were mindblowing, they were large but still so perky with tiny little nipples screaming my name. She quickly covered up as I jerked my head away as to not make her feel embarrassed. She hurried off after quickly apologizing and I reassured her it was okay and I didnt even really see anything.
Later the three of us head out to dinner. All was well as we shared drinks and some laughs, but Jamie didnt seem quite right. She wouldnt make eye contact and was generally shy, so much so to the point Ashley asked her if she was okay. Eventually Ashley had to go to the bathroom and after she left I asked again if Jamie was okay. She said she was but was embarrassed about what happened. What came out of her mouth next, I never expected, "I think the only way to get even is to let me see your dick." "What?? No way" I quickly responded, flustered by the request. "Yeah, its only fair. You saw me naked so I should get to see you naked" she quickly responded. As she said this she slid next to me in the booth and said "Fine, not totally naked. Just let me see your dick real quick." I still didnt know how to respond besides picking my jaw up from the floor. Before I knew it she had unzipped my pants and looked straight at my cock. Now, I was slightly turned on by her actions, but we were also in public and I wasnt close to fully hard, just a few blood cells had rushed down there. Her reaction is what killed me. She quickly laughed and slid away from me, never did she say anything about it, but the rest of the dinner she was herself and would shoot me smirks like she was still laughing at me.
We all had a lot to drink at dinner but were ready to party. An employee of the restaurant told us there was a party on the beach that night and we were all excited as we ubered back to the hotel. We stumbled up to the room to change into bathing suits before going to the party. Upon entering the room Ashley ran and jumped into the bed. Jamie and I laughed, knowing she was very drunk, but thought she was also just joking and ready to go to the party. As we walked closer we were shocked, she was just, asleep. Not peacefully asleep, but full on snoring, completely out asleep. Now, her passing out didnt surprise me with how much we drank, but what did surprise me was that my stepdaughter I met one day ago, who was significantly smaller than my wife, was still standing and ready for more.
"Fuck it, shes asleep and a devil when you wake her up, lets just leave her here and go to the party" Jamie said with that fucking smirk still on her face. "Yeah okay, lets just change real quick and we can head out" I say as I grab my bathing suit and walk towards the bathroom. "Nuh uh, not so fast" she quickly says as I walk by her while she grabs my belt and pulls me towards her, "we have seen each other naked once, we can change in front of each other now" she mumbles out, "unless you dont want me to see your tiny dick again" she adds before bursting out laughing.
In my drunken state I had no idea what to say, and after a few seconds I responded, "well maybe if you were hotter I would have been harder for you" I say, regaining my composure. And I thought I had her there. And then she stared at me, with the blank face of a serial killer, and completely undressed. With each piece of clothing she took a step towards me. Jacket... Step. Boots... Step. Dress... Step. Bra... Step. Panties... Step.
Until she was standing in front of me, fully naked, (besides her socks lol) her nose an inch away from now. "Well, are you hard now?" She says with a straight face, peering deep into my soul. "Uh, I am, but this isnt right" I say. She chuckles and whispers, "first, my mother is so dead asleep nothing will wake her up. Second, you know it is a mistake you are with her, it wont last forever, and besides, we are closer in age anyways" as she grabs my cock. Not a slight brush or tap, but a full ass handful grab of my now rock hard cock.
"Fuck" I whisper as I put my forehead up against hers, "maybe you are right." Her eyes never move and she doesnt blink as she responds, "I am always right, you will figure that out soon enough" as she pushes me backwards in the room and guides me into the bathroom.
The second we cross the doorframe I grab her hips and lift her up onto the counter as we began to kiss, not a nice and slow first kiss, but a savage I NEED THIS kiss. Our tongues explored each others mouths and our teeth clashed. Her arms were draped over my shoulders and my hands didnt leave her hips, just grabbed them tighter and pulled her closer. Eventually she pulled away and pushed me off of her while grabbing my dick all in one motion, "fuck, I was wrong, how can a dick be that tiny and still get SO BIG" she exclaimed with a shocked look on her face. She dropped to her knees and inspected it, giving small kisses here and there, before standing up and laughing again, "my mom may be that easy but im not" she says as she turns and walks out the door. After a few seconds on staring into the mirror in disbelief, I walk out of the bathroom.
For a slight second I see her putting on a thong and bikini before adding an oversized t shirt on top of it, with my cock still throbbing from what just happened, this certainly didnt help it go away. "Quick, put on your shit and lets go" she says as she tosses me a bathing suit and shirt. I scramble and put them on as she grabs my hand and drags me out the door. The second the door closes, she pushes me up against it and greets my tongue with hers. She pulls away smiling and grabs a few nips out of her pocket and says, "the night is young, drink up, but make sure you dont get too drunk, you dont want to forget fucking me" as she puts one shot up to her lips and the other mine as we both drink them. Before I even have a chance to respond to her previous comment, she grabs my hand and runs towards the elevator.
As we get inside I take charge this time pushing her up against the wall. "Who says Im going to fuck you?" i ask, trying to hide my true thoughts. Too bad she saw right through me. She simply laughed and dropped to her knees, pulling my bathing suit down as she went. In one, quick, motion she took my entire length down her throat. At the moment I was shocked, and then I felt her tongue. With my entire shaft down her throat her tongue was swirling around the base of my cock, dripping drool onto my balls. I couldnt help but let out a moan as I was pretty sure this is what heaven felt like. Right before the elevator hit the lobby floor she quickly stands up, pulling my bathing suit up with her. "First of all, there isnt a universe in existence that you dont fuck me in. Second of all, you better hide that tent in your pants...hehehehe" she giggles as she backs out of the elevator, turns, and runs out the front door of the lobby. "Shit" I murmur, watching her ass bounce as she runs. I do my best to cover the massive bulge in my pants and quickly follow her out of the building.
As I exit she jumps from around the corner and reaches for my hand. As i go to grab her hand back she swerves and grabs my dick, looking back at me she says "follow me" and begins walking away...