[MF] I bought my roommate a bikini...and fucked her in it.
Some seven years ago, during college, I briefly roomed in a cozy apartment with an old friend of mine. Let's call her Sylvia. She and I had known each other a long while, had hooked up a couple of times, considered dating, but never really took that step. But we always had a fantastic relationship. We hung out, made each other laugh, consoled one another during the challenging times...so when I needed a roommate for a year, when I was about 21, she thought it'd be a great opportunity to get out of her parents' place. For a while there, we were like best friends.
She moved in at the beginning of spring, and was eager to fill her new space with all kinds of fun stuff. We went out for lunch before moseying off to the local mall to buy a few things. Like I said, we'd been friends for a long time already - so it quickly turned into one of those fun, impromptu dates. You remember that feeling? Like when you were a teenager? Just walking around somewhere with your friend, cracking jokes and overall having a great time? It was just like that. Fucking marvelous.
We found our way into some upscale clothing store, not really expecting to buy anything, just to browse. I'm a bit of a fashionista myself, I guess, so I always find myself tempted by stores like the one we walked into. However, we ended up in the women's section, looking at their summer selection of shorts and bikinis.
Something about Sylvia: she always dressed modestly. Now, she was hot, of course. And you could tell. Cropped, pixie-like, dashing red hair. Porcelain skin and happy brown eyes. Many a soft-hearted man had fallen prey to her charms over the years (including myself, once or twice.) But she scarcely showed herself off. The amount of people who saw her in anything more revealing than a long dress or a long jacket were few and far between. Let alone short shorts, or a bikini. Just wasn't something she did. Sylvia was a bit mysterious in that way. But that's attractive, now isn't it?
So, when we ended up in front of the swimsuits and I joked to her about buying this incredibly-sexy yet wildly-revealing string bikini. Jet black with stylish splashes of gold metal at the strings. Definitely show-stopping for the time.
She just laughed. "Oh, sure. I'll even wear it out of the mall."
That earned a hearty chuckle for me. "In that case, I'll buy it for you." - not thinking much of it.
But to my surprise, she came back with: "...really?"
I told her that I would. It was expensive, but really, I didn't think she'd go for it. I'd known her for years, even slept with her on a couple of occasions. Never saw her in a bikini or anything resembling it.
"Okay. Do it."
Some $200 later, she walked out with a tiny bag containing that very bikini (although she didn't actually wear it out, sad to say.) That was a lot of money to spend on a friend, when I was in college!
Fast forward a couple months. I'd basically forgotten about that excursion to the mall, and Sylvia and I settled into our status as roommates. We didn't do much together, in truth - mostly watched movies and cooked. But we had a great time, and she was as good a roommate as I'd ever had, if I'm being honest. One day, I got an invite from a guy I knew that was throwing a pool party at his parents' place. I mean, fuck, who doesn't love pool parties? So I was getting ready to go. Picture this: I've got my hawaiian shirt on, wayfarer sunglasses, my bracelet, and these deep-blue short swim shorts. Ready to walk out the door, when Sylvia comes out of her room, and asks me where I'm going. Being the good friend I am, I invite her. To my surprise, she said she wanted to come along. Go figure.
We end up poolside, and I'm having a cocktail and talking with strangers when I see Sylvia walk up to the edge of the water. She pulls her sundress over her head, low and behold - she's wearing that bikini I forgot I bought her. She dives right in, and immediately has the attention of half the men at the party. She looked that fucking good. I was barely paying attention to whatever conversation I was having, about cats or walnuts or Alexander the Great or whatever the hell it was. I just kept sneaking peeks at my roommate.
The party goes on, but my attention keeps getting drawn back to her. Eventually, I get in the water and swim over to her.
"Well well well, look at you, Sylvia."
She giggled. "What?"
"Not gonna lie, I totally forgot about that swimsuit. You look good."
"Oh, you think?" she told me. There's that modesty again. "Don't think it's too much?"
"Nah, I'm thinking it's the right amount of much. I have good taste, don't you think?"
She gave me a splash, spraying water right into my way-too-smug expression. "Freak." she told me, laughing.
"You got that right." I replied, smiling and running my hand through my now-soaked curly hair.
She smiled, and swam away. And I watched, of course, because I'm a hot-blooded man and when a pretty bikini-clad woman who's soaking wet does anything, you get a good eyefull. That's just how it is.
Sylvia had to have gotten more attention than she'd ever gotten her life up till that point. She navigated her way through what must have been a dozen polite & playful conversations from would-be suitors before she ultimately found her way back to me. I watched as she walked up, her perfect skin glistening in the setting sun, hair sticking alluringly to her neck. I was by myself, checking my phone against the house, nursing a beer and a buzz.
"So. You think I look good?" she asked, looking up at me. Forward.
I gave her a long look, my blue eyes meeting her brown ones. Good fucking lord, was this girl hot. And this was the hottest she'd ever looked, in my mind. "Yeah. Definitely." I told her in a low tone.
"How good?" she asked, biting her lip.
I chuckled. "I think if you looked any better, John Casablancas would sense your presence and show up unannounced."
Sylvia gave me a half-blushing, half-laughing smile, and reached up to grab my hand. She didn't say anything, just stared into my eyes and squeezed me. And we could both see what we both needed that night.
A couple minutes later, we were around the corner. I kissed her hard against the siding of the house as my hand deftly untied the bottom part of her swimsuit. Her lithe fingers danced across my bare chest before frantically yanking down my shorts. We weren't far from the party, at all. In fact, if it weren't so loud there, we'd be easily heard by anyone who wanted to pay attention and listen.