Mutual masturbation with my friend's hippie gf in his bed [MF]
First, a little background: one summer in college, I went to a coastal town to work in a bar/restaurant with my friend Tim and stayed at an old house he rented. I didn't have to pay much, other than like weed and whatever groceries we needed from the store. Tim had this girlfriend, Ashley, who was a super chill stoner and hung out with us and our friends, played video games, smoked weed, etc.
Ashley was about shoulder height on me and wore vans, ripped jeans, and metal band t-shirts, which exposed her intricate tattoo sleeves. She had bleached her hair blonde and was super skinny, even though she could keep up with me and Tim when we got the munchies. I remember that she was also really into horoscopes and spirituality. I remember one night we were all playing GTA and she told me that my horoscope was like a crab or something lol.
Well, one late night during the summer when all three of us smoked a lot and Tim went to bed, Ashley insisted on helping me release some tension. I wrote about the experience here a few days ago, but I can give you a quick rundown. Basically, Ash didn't like that I had to sleep on this rough futon while she and Tim could sleep all comfortable upstairs, and realized that I could barely sleep and hadn't been able to "release" for the month that I was living there, so she told me it was ok to jerk off there in front of her topless so I was able to sleep properly on that futon.
Well, we were pretty high at the time and just kind of played it off like it was nothing day after day lol. Tim didn't know, and the vibe between Ashley and me was surprisingly platonic after. I think she really did view the experience like a healthy, "biological release" that helped and wasn't necessarily cheating in her mind because it's not like we touched each other sexually. Maybe she viewed it more like a friend giving another friend a shoulder massage or something.
Days went by and it feels like everything's normal, except we're working more (busy season for the bar). Between working as much as I can and seeing some other friends I made that summer, I did't spend a whole lot of time in the house except to sleep. Though, I still get us what we need from the store and meal prep some delicious food for the week.
One weekend toward the end of July (like two weeks after Ash "helped" me), things calmed down a bit and Tim had to leave to go spend time with his family during an annual summer reunion or something. I remember he had to leave on a Friday and we were super busy that weekend, but the manager let me leave under the radar during the shift to drop Tim off at the airport and come back lol (I think Ashley worked that night and couldn't take him). I worked until the morning and only had a few hours of sleep before I had to be back for a long shift on Saturday. Fortunately, I was off on Sunday, which was when Tim came back.
Fast forward to Saturday evening after work. I get back to the house and see that Ashley's car wasn't there, so I figured she was at work. I immediately go upstairs to shower, not wanting to get anything dirty. I took off my stinky work clothes and threw them in the corner of the bathroom.
You know that feeling after a very physical day of work and you're glad its over and you're off the next day? I relished being done with everything, knowing I can relax tonight and tomorrow. I opened the bathroom window and let the warm July breeze come in. It was in the evening, so I could see all the vivid colors in the summer sky.
I remember the feeling of the warm breeze all over me. It was especially nice on my legs, which were sore from lifting all the heavy boxes of drinks and containers of ice. I turned on the shower and washed up thoroughly, getting any trace of dirt or grime from work. When I was done, I stayed there for a while, letting myself mentally unwind from the craziness of the day.
Then I hear a car door close outside. I opened the shower curtain and leaned over, peeking out the window.
It was Ashley, walking toward the house from the driveway. She was wearing a band t-shirt, short shorts, and vans. Sunglasses covered most of her face and she was holding a plastic bag. Her light hair falling to her shoulders with each step she took.
I went back to showering, not wanting to take up all the hot water. As I finished up, I could hear her walk up the stairs and open the bedroom door, which was between the bathroom and the stairs. I thought she'd be back later, so I didn't bother to grab any clothes, which are in the dresser downstairs next to the futon I slept on. Fortunately, we had a bunch of towels in a stack and after drying off, I wrapped one around my waist.
I opened the bathroom door and started walking toward the stairs. Tim's bedroom door is now open, and I smell some strong weed coming from it. I walk by and I see Ashley opening up the window, letting the warm, summer breeze in.
She turns around and sees me. "Oh good, you're done showering. Here, try some of this!" She says as she coughs a bit. She's holding a joint towards me, but staying by the window across the room.
I hesitate for a split second before stepping in, not knowing what to expect. I hadn't been in Tim's room without him before, and it was usually a mess. When I walked in, I saw it was much cleaner. The sheets were clean, there was nothing on the floor, no mess on the dresser except for the bag she was holding earlier and some joints.
"Wow, it's so clean in here!" I say as I walk into the room and take a quick look around. The room looked surprisingly bare once everything was put away. On the wall to my right there's a very colorful, psychedelic tapestry hanging up. No doubt Ashley's.
"Thanks, it took me like all afternoon to put Tim's shit away." She says, admiring her work. She points at the perfectly made bed with her lighter. "I even got some new sheets and washed them this morning."
I approach her by the only window in the room, which is next to the headboard of the bed. Ashley gives me the joint and I take a hit.
"Impressive." I say, breathing out. "And this is bud's pretty strong. Did you just get it?"
She goes over to the dresser and takes a joint for herself. "Mhmm" she says, lighting the joint in her mouth.
She takes a hit and says "I worked early this morning and got done a little after lunchtime. So I came back, had some of the food you made..." She takes another deep hit, walks back to the window and exhales. "By the way, that sauce was amazing. You should be a chef, dude"
"I appreciate that" I thank her. I really do put a lot of effort into my cooking. I'm always trying new recipes and I want the meals I prep everyone for the week to be tasty even if its enjoyed a few days later. I remember the meal she was talking about was chicken marsala, and the sauce was homemade from a mixture of recipes and trial and error.
She continued. "I had some of it and after I was done cleaning and realized we were low on weed. So after I showered, I went to go grab this. I figured it would be nice to repay you with something that was a bit more high quality."
"This really hits the spot. Thank you, Ash" I say, enjoying it while looking out at the sunset. It's a bit darker outside now, so Ash turns on the lamp with her phone. She adjusts it to a low light.
"You do a lot for us, you know." Ash says. I can tell she's feeling it a bit. "Getting the groceries, cooking delicious meals, cleaning up the kitchen..."
The weed was really nice, and hit the spot. I took some big hits, but it was stronger than I expected.
"You slept on the futon last night" Ash said. "Are ya still getting used to it?"
"Eh, not quite" I laugh. "Could really use a nice, comfortable bed like this."
"Go ahead, lay down on it." Ash insists.
I lay down, stretching out. The bed is so comfortable and clean and it has that "fresh" smell of something recently washed.
As I stretch my legs, I feel the breeze go up my leg.
"Wow, look at those thighs" Ash says softly. "Been lifting a lot, huh?"
"Yeah, gotta do the heavy lifting at the bar. Gotta get the people their drinks!" I say with a smile.
Ash finishes her joint, grabs the others and brings them to the night stand next to the bed, lighting another. She lays down next to me on her side and her face is by my shoulder, looking up at me while she smokes.
We talk about our day. She tells me about some annoying customers, I tell her about mine. We joke around and hangout like we normally do. We talk about this and that, stupid stuff, etc. We go through more of the weed and laugh at each other's jokes. When Ash got as high as she did, she could do these hilarious impressions of people we know. We had each other howling with laughter.
I compliment her tapestry. I've always like that style, but never got one. She opens up her phone and shows me others she wants to get. I like one in particular and I say to her "If I wasn't leaving in a few weeks, I'd put it up by the futon. Well, that is if Tim's ok with it."
"I feel so bad that you have to lay on that fucking futon" she giggled. "I had to lay on it once and I don't think I slept more than 10 minutes on it"
I felt so relaxed on the bed. It was spacious and not too firm, not too soft. "Yeah, I much prefer a bed like this"
"Good" said, and then got close to my ear "because you can stay in it tonight"
I felt her warm breath on my ear, and it tingled. With that, I was starting to get hot.
"Yeah? and you wanna keep me company?" I said softly
"mhmmm, I know you've been working a lot lately. I want you to be as relaxed as possible." She said. "Your legs especially, they must be sore from running around the bar."
I reply "Yeah, they feel a bit stiff"
"Maybe I can rub them a bit?" She offers. "Would that help?"
"Yes" I say with a smile "Thank you, Ash"
She crawls down the bed slowly. She has these short shorts on that compliments her ass as she moves further down. I spread my legs apart and she sits on her between them, facing me.
I feel her small hands on my calves and she begins to rub. I stretch out a bit more and let a deep breath out.
"Gosh, I can tell you've been working hard." She says, rubbing up higher little by little. "This is ok, right? Just a friend touching another friend's leg."
She has these small, soft hands that feel warm on my calves. She actually puts in a good bit of pressure, which felt great.
I let out a deep exhale as I feel my body relax. Ash smiles and asks "Feeling good?"
"Mhmm..." I say.
Bit by bit her hands move up my legs. The higher she goes, the harder I get. After a little while, her hands move to the lower part of my thigh and her hands are under the towel covering me.
"Mmmmm, what nice, manly thighs you have." She says. My cock is pitching a tent in the towel, and she rubs my thighs harder.
"Ooooooh what do we have here?" She says playfully, looking at my tent.
"I can't help myself" I confess with a cocky smile.
"I think I'm about halfway up your thigh now. I can't touch you, but I also can't see just how much room is left for me to massage. Maybe if I just..."
I feel the towel gently lift up.
"Oh, hello there!" She says with a giggle. I feel the nice breeze on my cock again, making me grow even more.
"It would really help with the massage if I could take your towel off. May I?" She said in a flirty tone.
"Yes, you may" I grant her
She slowly removes my towel, pulling it off. When she sees my cock spring up, her eyes get big and she smiles, biting her lip.
I can't help but to grab it.
"Fuck, dude. You have such a nice cock!" She says, looking back at me and then to my cock.
I start slowly stroking.
Her hands on the middle of each thigh, she lowers herself so her head is by her hands, watching me stroke.
I hear her whisper to herself "woooooow". Damn, that's hot.
I look down at her. Her glassy, brown eyes moving up and down, following my hand as I stroke. Her hair, still really blonde in the dim light. She's so skinny that she fits between my legs and I don't even have them that far apart.
"I've never seen such a gorgeous cock" she tells me.
"Yeah?" I'm so turned on. "Tell me more"
"It's just so meaty and long..." I can feel her chin on my thigh, and she moves closer to my cock and breathes in deep through her nose. "and it smells intoxicating! and these balls! so pretty..."
I love when she worships my cock...
"and that tip... wow, just look at that thing... just look at that shaft... I wanna... just..." her voice trails off, and I feel one of her hands go down my leg toward her short shorts.
Her voice starts to get super quiet. "...just wanna hold it...feel the pulse...feel it on my face...yes, daddy..."
My leg brushes up against her arm, which is under her short shorts. I rub my leg on her arm and hear her moan softly.
"yes, stroke that fucking big dick for me..." she wimpers.
"Louder" I tell her
She looks up, nervous. "Yes, daddy" she says.
"Tell me what you want" I command her.
"I want to feel your big cock on my face" she says "...but I know I can't"
"You know how you can make it up to me?" I ask her
"How?" she asks
"Strip naked for me" I tell her.
She does as I say, getting up and twirling around. She likes it when I watch her. She slowly takes off her band t-shirt and undoes her white bra. I see her perky tits through the dim light. The left one has a tattoo of butterflies flying on the side of it. Last time I saw that tattoo it was covered in my cum.
"Now bend over and slowly take those off" I tell her.
"Yes, sir" she says
She turns around and slowly pulls her short shorts, wiggling her ass out as she does. Her short shorts drop to the floor, revealing her light blue panties. She slowly moves her ass around, teasing me.
"That's it, keep going." I say
She grips the sides of her panties with her fingers and slowly slides them down. She has a really cute butt and pretty pussy. As she drops her panties to the floor and stands back up, I admire her body in the dim light.
She crawls back on the bed, laying to the left of me on her side like before. Her face is next to my shoulder and she looks up at me with innocent eyes for a brief moment before looking back down at my cock, which I'm stroking with my right hand.
She puts her hand on my abs. Her left leg goes over mine. It feels right having her at my side.
I admire her legs, which are skinny and toned. She's freshly shaven, and her legs feel smooth.
She's pinching one of her nipples with one hand and holds my bicep with another.
"If I were to blow you and put both my hands around your shaft, I don't think I could cover it all." She said. Then she whispered in my ear "I don't have that issue with Tim. Wanna see something? Here, hold the top part of your cock up"
I hold my shaft just under my tip. Ash gets up a bit so shes sitting on her knees again, but at my side this time. She brings her hand over, touching my ring finger.
"He's about right here on you" she says, looking over at me. Fuck, my heart rate goes up and my pace increases.
Her hand goes up to her mouth, with her finger between her lips.
I touch her waist. "Spit on it" I tell her.
She holds her hear back and brings her face down a few inches above my cock. We make eye contact and she spits on the tip of my cock. Her spit feels so good and slippery. She spits again, and there's a line of her saliva connecting my cock to her mouth.
She's so pretty.
"Show me your ass again" I say
She goes on all fours next to me, and arches her back. Her ass is nice and smooth. I see her pussy is dripping wet and the inside of her thighs are just so tempting. I reach over to her calf and pull her closer so she's close enough for me to feel the inside of her thigh.
I start at the bottom of her thigh. Very warm, and she's breathing heavy. I slowly go up.
"Don't worry" I tell her "I won't go all the way up."
"Promise?" she asks, looking back at me.
"Yes" I say, feeling up to about halfway up her thigh.
"Oh, Ash. You're so wet..." I tell her.
Her hand goes between her legs and rubs herself.
"Look at this ass..." I say as I admire it.
My hand goes up the side of her leg and I gently guide her down so she's laying completely down on the bed. Her front on the blankets.
I get up and move over the back of her legs so mine are on either side of hers. I'm jerking off to her ass, thinking about what I'd do.
I see her fingers between her cheeks. She's fingering herself as I jack off to her.
"I want to fuck you so bad" I say
"ohhh.... yess...." she moans. She raises her ass in the air a bit.
"I'd hold you tight and fucking rail that pussy of yours" I tell her
"But if you did that..." she said between breaths "Tim would know because I'd be stretched out. You can't do that to him."
I have to grab my cock with both hands and go faster. Those soft ass cheeks...
She turns and tries her best to look back at me. "You can't fuck your friends girl, especially when your cock is so much bigger than his"
I can feel her eyes staring at my cock.
She's moving her ass as she fingers herself. "You like my ass? Imagine fucking me and smacking up against it as you take me. I'm so wet for you. You would slide right in and stretch me open with that thing!"
I take one hand off and lean over her ass. My cock is only a few inches from her ass cheeks. Fuck, I'm feeling it. I have to move. I can't cum there.
"Turn over" I tell her
She turns around and lays on her back. Both my knees go around her sides. I'm kneeling over her tits, jerking off to her face.
Her hand is between her legs and she's going faster.
She looks into my eyes. "Wanna know what I did after you came on me last time?"
"What" I whisper.
"I went into the laundry room and put my clothes in the wash. Then, when I was naked and I had all your cum on my face and tits, I collected as much as I could with my hands and licked it up."
Fuck, that's so sexy.
"Then, I put on some fresh clothes and walked up to bed. Tim was asleep, and I laid down in bed. I didn't shower, so when I was in bed I still had your nut on my skin. It was so hot laying next to him with your seed on me"
I can't help it. I feel it coming.
"Oh yes, those balls are tightening!" She said in an excited voice. "Shower me..."
She starts rubbing herself really fast.
"Please cover me. Mark me as yours." she wimpers.
My grip tightens and my heart is pounding. I can feel it about to shoot out.
"Ash..." I look at her and we lock eyes.
I can't hold it anymore and I shoot out, hitting her in the face. Then another, on her mouth. A third. A fourth.
She lets out a loud moan and begins shaking.
I go to her tit with the butterfly tattoo and shoot on it. I want to completely cover her.
I grip tight the arm she's using to finger herself. She's shaking and her eyes close. "Oh fuck..."
I cum some more on her tits. She's so pretty with my cum dripping down her face...
She lets out a series of small moans as she cums. I shoot some more until I have nothing left, and lay back on the bed.
"Oh fuck...." I say, catching my breath
I look over and I see Ash catching her breath too.
We lay there for a few moments.
Ash starts laughing a bit "this is so much fucking cum, dude."
I laugh too. "sorry, I was pent up."
"It's cool, don't worry" she says, as she scoops some up and licks it off her fingers.
What a friend...
After showering, we fell asleep and it was probably the best sleep I had in years. In the morning, we kinda had this mutual understanding that we would act like it didn't happen, much like last time. Tim returned later that day and it was like all is normal.
What's strange is just how well we were able to put it behind us. Idk if it was because we were really high or because she was just really chill with everything. Like, we went back to call of duty and smoking weed with Tim like it was nothing!
Anyway, sorry for making this post so long lol
lmk if you enjoyed it! I wanna know your thoughts