My affair with a younger woman at work [MF]
This is written as a story, as I love writing erotica, but it really happened. All names have been changed.
I was 35 at the time and newly single. That morning, I walked into an all-day training course at the large national company I worked for. There were only a few people in the meeting room, and Emily was one of them.Ā
She looked young and fresh-faced and pretty, surely a new hire straight out of uni? My first reaction was to leave her be and go and sit next to one of the other men or women my age, but fuck it, why not go and sit with her? All the tables in the room had been turned into a large square, she was all by herself in the middle of one side, and even just from her body language, she looked self-conscious.
I wasn't creepy about it. And at that point, I really had no other motive than being friendly.
She turned to smile at me as I strode over to her. I held my hand out as I sat, I introduced myself. I gave her a broad, friendly grin. I was confident and open, the way you can be when you get a bit older and you're no longer so worried about being cool or projecting a fake image.
I'll never forget the way she reacted. She blushed - a real bright-red-faced, fast-blinking one, but she beamed back at me. She looked so happy that someone was talking to her, that she wasn't stranded in a line of empty seats.
That's when I found out she was called Emily. I asked her about herself, I discovered she'd joined the company only two months ago, that she was a technical hire, that, as I'd suspected, she'd only just finished university. She was 22. A whole 13 years younger than me.
Emily was beautiful in a cute, nerdy way. Her long brunette hair was tied back in a simple ponytail. She wore thick-rimmed black glasses. Emily had a slightly chubby face with big cheeks and a button nose.
There was no dress code at work, we could wear what we liked. Emily was dressed in a denim skirt and a tight t-shirt with artwork on I didn't recognise that day. The glimpses I caught of her legs showed they were long and smooth and slender. Her top was filled by a pair of unavoidably large breasts.
Emily kept blushing but she seemed to absolutely revel in my attention. I'm not being arrogant when I say that I'm handsome. I'm tall and good looking, and although an introverted nerd at heart, by 35, I was comfortable in myself and I'd grown self-assured talking to pretty much anyone. Emily seemed to be enjoying having me with her.
I worked in the comms department then, but I had a science background, I knew a bit about Emily's work. I was able to ask her reasonably intelligent questions. She seemed even more thrilled that I understood her current project. She seemed so eager to speak about it.
We stuck together through the training. We talked during breaks and even had lunch in the company canteen together.
She smiled and blushed constantly, the most when I gently teased her. But even with the way she was gazing at me, I never crossed into flirting. I still didn't have any ulterior intentions. I was just enjoying talking to Emily. It was fun hanging out with a pretty woman. It made me feel young again, except this time, I wasn't panicking about what to say or being awkward, like I would have been thirteen years ago.
When I said goodbye to Emily that afternoon, I didn't think anything of it. Maybe I'd see her around the office and say hello to her now and again. But minutes after I sat back at my desk, a message window popped up.
We had an internal instant messaging program we used in the company, as email was becoming so unwieldy. Emily had added me to her contacts. She kept our conversation going with it. Emily kept talking to me over the next week or so.
But still, I didn't read anything into it. Our talk was mostly innocent, maybe a tiny bit of flirting, but Emily was so much younger than me, surely she wouldn't be interested?
By chance, one Friday evening when I was walking home from the gym, I practically ran into her. Emily was striding the other way, looking down at her phone, she nearly crashed into me. I called her name at the last moment, as I realised it was her, and she jumped like she'd been shocked.
Emily's face burned crimson as she realised it was me. She was even shyer than usual, as if seeing me outside of work was freaking her out.
I talked and joked to calm her down. It was fun seeing her, but I was hungry, it was freezing out, and I just wanted to get home. I tried to make my excuses, but Emily didn't seem to hear me. She talked faster. It felt like she didn't want to let me go.
"I'm going to grab some noodles. You want to come with me?" Emily asked.
She looked so eager, so vulnerable, like if I said no, it'd crush her. I said yes.
Emily took me to a little Japanese place I'd never been to that served ramen and yakitori. The food was fantastic. Emily relaxed more and more as we ate, she really came out of her shell. We flirted. It began to feel like a first date. And then, as we split the bill, Emily asked if I wanted to go back to her place.
To say I was surprised, would have been putting it mildly. And again, my gut reaction was to say no. She was far too young for me. Yet, why not? Emily was gorgeous. She seemed into me. I wasn't taking advantage of her. I was single. I said yes.
Emily lived in a shared house not far away. Thankfully, all her housemates were out. I was sure I'd have felt like a lecherous, dirty old guy being introduced to her twenty-something friends, before we retreated to her bedroom together.
She took me straight to her room that evening, Emily didn't even ask me if I wanted coffee. She closed her door, she twisted around, and without another word being spoken, she threw herself at me. She went up on her tiptoes to find my lips.
I wrapped my arms around Emily as we kissed. I pulled her into me. She felt tiny as I held her, slim and so short I had to duck down to kiss her properly.
But I felt her breasts pressed into my chest, and that part of her wasn't small. I felt Emily wriggling into me. She was panting and trembling in no time at all.
I slid both my hands down to her plump little butt to grasp and knead it through her jeans. Emily closed a hand over the bulge of my hard cock in mine. She made these hot, urgent, breathy-moaning sounds as she pawed at me.
As we fell onto her bed together, she got up on her knees to pull my belt and jeans open. I helped her drag my trousers and boxers down. My dick rose up and stood tall as I kicked them away. Emily grasped it like it was made of gold.
I'm big, and her hands were small enough that she used both to tug on me. She stared down at my cock as she ran her fingers over it, she kept making those moaning sounds as she jacked me.
Emily fell onto all fours, one hand wrapped around my shaft, her face above me. She lowered it to press her lips to the head of my prick. Emily moaned louder as she kissed all over me, as she licked, as she ran her tongue up and down my dick.
I groaned as she took me into her mouth, as she closed her lips tight around me and sucked. I wasn't shy in the sounds I made. I loved it when someone was noisy when I went down on them, I wanted Emily to know exactly how good she felt, how horny this was.
She started slowly, with a languid motion of her mouth and hand, as if she was revelling in this, as if Emily was doing it just as much for her pleasure as for mine.
But as I groaned for her, Emily went quicker. She rose to a fast pace that had my cock throbbing.
Her mouth was heaven. Emily was warm and fluid, she sucked with force, creating a glorious vacuum around me. She took me surprisingly deep, Emily took me into her throat without coughing or spluttering.
The sight of her with my dick in her face was almost as good as it felt. I was astounded this was actually happening. But I didn't just lie there passively. I ran my hands over Emily's body as she slurped on me, groping her tits and her arse and her thighs through her clothes, making her moan louder around my prick.
I slipped up the back of her top to unhook her bra. I pulled Emily's t-shirt up far enough to get her breasts out of it. They hung as she worked me with her mouth, they were full and heavy, but they were pert, her tits were wonderfully rounded. Emily groaned as I held her, as I toyed with her thick, firmed nipples.
She put more and more into it. Emily let saliva run out of her mouth as she sucked me, as she moaned. Emily spread it over my cock with her fingers and lips, turning me sloppy.
I managed to pop the buttons open down the front of Emily's jeans. She wriggled to help me get them off her hips, to pull them down to her bent knees. Her white cotton knickers came with them.Ā
Her pussy was chubby and soft against my fingers. Emily was soaking wet. She mewled around my prick as I explored her, as I slid a finger into her cunt.
She was snug but slick. As she relaxed around me, I screwed Emily quicker, I rose to the same pace that she was using to suck me. I had my fun with her. I slipped out of her pussy, I made Emily groan and shudder as I tickled across her clit.
I was bad. As I went back into her cunt, as I finger-fucked her, I raised another between her cheeks. I pressed it to her pucker. I couldn't resist.
But Emily didn't stop me. She didn't quit sucking my dick. She made even more noise as I tickled across her arsehole, as I massaged her there. Emily came open around me as I applied more pressure, as I pushed, as I worked that finger up into her butt.
Her arse was insanely tight. She squeezed me with muscular strength. Emily felt totally smooth within her rear.
I played with her breasts with one hand, as Emily eagerly sucked me, as I fingered her cunt and her arse with the other. She was working me so energetically, with such enthusiasm, that I couldn't hold myself back for long. Each time her mouth came up me, it drew the hot tension in my body higher up my dick. As it reached the tip of me, I was there.
I was making a lot of noise, but I still warned Emily, just in case she hadn't realised. "I'm going to come," I groaned.
But Emily didn't take her mouth off of me. She took me deeper.
OK then.
I didn't fight it. I released. I pretty much bellowed as my orgasm hit me, as fireworks exploded in my head, as it surged out of my cock.
I pulsed between Emily's lips as I came, as I spurted rush after rush into her.
Yet Emily didn't miss a beat. She kept slurping and tugging on me, she took it all. Emily swallowed every spurt of my come as she sucked my dick with noisy vigour.
I lay back as she finally released me. I felt momentarily stunned, I'd come so hard.
But as Emily rose up on her knees, with her tits out, with her jeans and knickers around her knees, looking flushed and wild and happy, my desire swept back. I never thought I'd be with a woman like Emily ever again. I needed to make the most of this lucky chance.
I sat up and got hold of Emily. I eased her down onto her back across her bed. I climbed on top of her.
Let me know if you want to hear more about what I got up to with Emily?