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My asshole was free use for my friend during his divorce from a fucking asshole [MF]

May 13, 2024


cheng cuiping

I have a friend who's been going through a messy divorce recently and it's been tough seeing what it's doing to him. He didn't do anything to cause it and is just one of the sweetest people I know. Without getting into the details, basically his soon to be ex wife is an awful person.

Went out for drinks with him and a group of other guy friends, it was fun but he was obviously putting on a smile for everyone, you could feel the despair just under the surface the whole night. Afterward I invited him over for the standard drunk food and trashy TV post-bar close hang out I often end up the host of…he said he didn't know if he was up for it, but eventually I annoyed him enough into agreeing to come.

There wasn't room in the first Uber for everyone, so he and I ended up in our own shortly after the rest of the group had been picked up.

As we got in our ride, he said something along the lines of "I just don't really feel like being around a bunch of people anymore and going through the motions…"

I sat down in the middle seat, leaned against him and squeezed his hand.

"I know you don't, that's why it'll just be us, I already texted everyone else and they're going somewhere else."

He looked relieved yet also newly anxious.

"Wait, you told them they couldn't come over becauae of me? Great, now I'm an even bigger bummer to everyone."

I squeeze his hand again,

"Hey, no, no, I didn't tell them anything about you! Really! And no one is gonna ask any questions or want to know any details…actually I guarantee it.."

He looked at me confused and somewhat skeptical. "Huh, why?"

"…because if a woman tells a group of men they have to bail because their tampon is lost inside them, fucking nobody is going to have follow-up questions lol."

His eyes widened "oh shit are you okay???"

"Yes dummy! That was me taking the heat so you could ditch the crowd guilt free!"

"Oh so you don't…"

I start cracking up, "I'm not even on my period!"

He finally broke into laughter, the first REALLY real laugh I've heard from him in a long time. Then he let out a sigh of relief and looked at me with a smile that felt like he now knew he was able to just be himself around someone else, without having to be fake "okay."

That made me feel so happy for him, I just kind of spontaneously popped my head up to his cheek and gave him a kiss, then leaned my head against his shoulder the rest of the ride to my place.

As we're getting out of the Uber, me first out of the car but both going out the same door curbside, he sighs a little, less burdened it felt, but still with grief in the periphery of even what have been even happy moments for him of late.

"I just wish I could forget that fucking asshole…" he says almost under his breath to himself, just as I'm climbing out of the car.

I hear him though…and eager to not lose that spark I heard when he laughed in the Uber, I bend over and point my ass back at him as he's getting out of the car…

"Guarantee you'll forget that fucking asshole…unforgettable would be fucking this asshole!"

It was dark, but I'm sure he got a decent eyeful with my short dress hiked/bunched up some from riding in the car, combined with little in the way of concealing done by the skimpy G-string I was wearing underneath it.

He almost fell back into the car for a second lol, but quickly tried to play it off.

"Haha okay okay, I guess I'll never know, but gotta agree you're probably right about that…maybe there's a brighter future out there for me and fucking assholes in this life after all," he was smirking but also a little flustered I think.

Things were pretty normal after that for a while, we went in, had a few nightcaps and made some guacamole…he was definitely more relaxed and it was wonderful to spend time like that together again.

We eventually end up on the couch with the traditional trashy TV on. After a bit we're sharing a blanket and I lay my head on his lap, him sitting and me curled up next to him. At some point he laughs to himself…

"What? This show isn't funny AT ALL!"

"Nooo, ha, I was just remembering earlier and realizing how ironic it all is…"


"Oh nothing, I was just thinking 'at least I don't have to worry about not forgetting fucking that fucking asshole's asshole too!'"

It took me a second but then it clicked and I started chuckling too…

"Wait so you mean you never?"

"Her?! No way, I was lucky if she even occasionally let me near her without acting like it was some big chore…I just couldn't understand what was so wrong with me that she didn't want me…ha but no, no asshole fucking ever…but she sure told me stories about how she used to enjoy anal with old boyfriends before she 'grew up and wasn't slutty like that anymore.'"

He was trying to stay joke-y, but I could tell it hit a painful spot…I just hugged him and squeezed him."

"Listen to me, there is NOTHING wrong with you."

We sat like that for a few minutes…I'm not sure exactly what he was thinking about, but I spent that time just wishing I could take some of his pain away…

…and I know this story sounds wholesome and that's a wholesome wish by me, but at this point I should remind anyone who didn't already know, that I am a fucking slut, a proud one at that…and so even "wholesome" for me, inevitably ultimately still has slutty results lol.

10 minutes or so later, I turn my head around to look at him,

"By the way, I know I was laughing about it, but for the record, you could…"

"Could what?"

"And I do guarantee you'd never forget it."

"Uhhhh haha cmon shut up!"

"Is that what you want? Because I would shut up or do anything else you wanted, just wanted you to know, feel free to use me any time…I'd love to be a little sex stress ball for you, so feel free, if you ever want…"

I felt his breathing get heavy and definitely his cock growing in his pants under my head…

"Totally no pressure, all up to you…"

I got up to "change into pajamas" to give him a little space to process all of that lol…

When I came back, he half laughed a little nervously, but I said hey let's watch the show and relax, you don't have to worry about a thing and smiled at him.

He smiled, I think happy to not have to talk right away, maybe feeling awkward about how he would go about taking me up on my offer lol.

10-15 minutes later I mention I'm getting tired and wanted to lay the other way, on my stomach with my head on the other side of the couch and my feet over his lap.

I hadn't actually changed into pajamas earlier, but he never noticed (or did and didn't mention it), probably a little distracted lol. I had done one other thing to get ready for bed though…

Now laying the other way, still under the blanket, I "remember,"

"Oh shit, I got sidetracked and never put any fucking pajamas on…I'm too comfy to get up now though…"

Still hidden by the blanket, I took off my dress, and tossed it out onto the ground, followed by my G-string.

"Ha at least I already wasn't wearing a bra!"

That got a chuckle out of him.

"Oh hey, if I fall asleep here, feel free to take my bed if you want…also, I got this set up for you in case you want to use it."

I got a little to my knees, arching my ass up under the blanket toward him until it slipped off the side of me, exposing bare ass, a backside view of my shaved pussy and above it, the shiny end of a not small plug in my asshole, the whole region glistening with a healthy coat of lube.

"Here, let me just show you real quick so it'll be easy for you to get in on your own as late as you want even if I'm asleep."

I proceeded to reach behind my back to remove and reinsert the plug a few times, with some added soft moans and a little rubbing of my clit with my other hand from underneath me.

"And that's about it really, perfect placeholder you could take out and replace with yourself if you felt like stopping by. Feel free to take a load off and I'll gladly clean up any mess tomorrow…it'd be a great dream to me, so tomorrow, we don't even have to talk about whatever happened in a dream if you don't want to…"

He was speechless for a few seconds and then managed "ahh yeah yeah, that's, that sounds awesome, thanks for the tutorial haha, very educational," with a chuckle.

I lowered my ass back down and did as I said I would.

About 5 minutes later he had placed his hand on the back of my thigh and took a solid 10 minutes to inch all the way to my ass, where he rested it without too much else moving for quite a while.

Eventually I did fall asleep, lol the sun would be up in a few hours.

He must have moved so slowly and gently (lol such a sweet guy, like I said), because when I eventually did wake up, his cock was halfway in my ass and he was gingerly adjusting the pillows and the angle I was pointed back at him with.

Best way to wake up EVER.

But I didn't break the dream, I wanted to be his little stress ball of ass fucking…I wanted him to get comfortable with taking control of my body however he wanted without worry of being rejected or scorned like he had been by his wife for so long.

I just repositioned my hips and ass a little to help, letting out a sleepy, happy whimper and awaited whatever he decided to do.

He went so slow and deliberately that first time, he's on the bigger cock side, but I had no problems taking all of him especially with how long my asshole had to stretch out.

He fucked my ass for a good 20 minutes. "Fucked" isn't even the right word lol. More like his cock made love to my asshole. It was passionate and caring and honestly felt really romantic.

When he eventually came, he unloaded a massive load deep in my asshole after all that build up.

His legs shook for a few minutes and his breathing was quick and heavy.

He didn't pull back for a good 4-5 minutes, until the waves of release and pounding heart beats had mostly subsided.

He pulled out slowly and laid next to me, spooning me. It was amazing.

To top it off, one thing I didn't expect, he slid my plug back in, just how I had left my asshole for him…

I was so fucking wet and wildly horny. But I calmed myself as much as I could, waiting for him to fall asleep.

Eventually he did, and I snuck off to the bathroom to furiously masturbate…I finally took the plug out and his thick load oozed out of my asshole. I used it to rub my clit with and made myself cum three fucking times, then laid on the ground panting and quivering for a while before slipping back to the couch and under the blanket with him.

That was the start of a new chapter in our friendship…highlighted by a lot more on-demand ass fucking lol.

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