My childhood crush let me pull her dress up and fuck her after a soccer game [MF]
I have been infatuated with Kira ever since I first laid eyes on her. We attended the same elementary school, middle school, and high school with her being two years older. From third grade onwards, she has always been my number one crush, but we barely ever interacted.
This past summer, I attended my high school alumni soccer game. Basically, before each high school season starts, the current school team plays a group made up of previous years' teams. As a former captain (I had just finished my second year of college), I was excited to attend but was not expecting anyone other than the guys to be there. To my surprise, Kira (who had captained the girl's team in high school and just graduated from college), was invited by the coach to play with us because not enough alumni had agreed to show.
It is hard to capture Kira's beauty through words alone. She is half-Irish (always felt connected to her in that way because I'm also Irish) and half-Trinidadian. To compare her with a celeb, she is similar to Victoria Justice, but she has very tan skin and beautiful, curly, orange/brown hair. Kira has gorgeous, dark brown eyes and dimples that make you melt when she smiles. She had her hair in braids for the game, and I really struggled to keep my eyes off her.
The game was fun, and afterward, I started walking towards the train station. Kira was walking a little ahead of me (we live close hence the same school history) but I wasn't thinking much of it. Out of nowhere, she looked over her shoulder and jokingly asked if I was going to follow her all the way home. "Is that an invitation?" I shot back, which caused her to flash those cute dimples. From there, we started chatting and making our way home together.
I had butterflies in my stomach, and chest, and basically every part of my body the entire time. It was extremely nerve-wracking talking to someone I had dreamed about for years. We talked about the game, soccer in general, and I asked her if she was looking forward to life after graduating (she would be working in California, where she had gone to college). I felt as if Kira could sense my awkwardness and by the time we arrived at her house, I decided to tell her how I felt.
My heart was bursting from my chest, but I explained that I had been crushing on her for years and apologized if I had been awkward to talk to. Then, I asked if she would maybe want to hang out later. For whatever reason, she thought I was sweet and agreed to let me take her out. She did, however, say it couldn't be too much of a thing because she would be heading to California soon (we live on the east coast).
Later that night, I practically floated to Kira's house. It felt as if I had died and gone to heaven. When she opened the door, I was very much reminded I was alive because my brain exploded. During our earlier conversation, I had mentioned that her graduation dress was really nice, and she had replicated the look for our date. She had a tight white dress that went to her mid-thigh, showing off her skinny, muscular soccer legs. Kira's light pink heels somehow made her legs even hotter. She had also painted her finger and toe nails white, and had a sexy pink lip gloss on.
The date was a lot of fun. We had lots to talk about coming from similar Irish households, playing soccer our whole lives, and similar majors in college. I had been anxious, but Kira was very sweet and made me feel like I could relax and have fun. We got dinner and then ice cream as I walked her home. This is when my day went from good to one of the best days of my life.
Kira said she did not want to say goodbye yet and that we could hang out a little more behind her house. There was a big car park area shared by the 8 houses on the block where people would also keep lawn chairs and stuff to sit out. We were sat on this brick divider-type thing (too small for me to justify calling it a wall) just talking but there was tension as all I wanted to do was kiss her, but I was nervous. Eventually, as it was getting late, I stood up to leave but she grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me in for a kiss.