My [F]22 HONEST story as a (not-pro) prostitute – Adorime
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My [F]22 HONEST story as a (not-pro) prostitute

Jan 03, 2024

cheng cuiping

I have not shared this part of me quite often, but today I feel like. This is not a super-mega sex-positive story, nor me complaining. Just _my_ truth. Some small situations which I believe are worth sharing!

When I was ~19, for non-interesting reasons, I was a prostitute for 6 months. I was in a foreign country, little money, yada yada. The usual. Prostitution in that country is totally legal btw.

I have always had a great ass, small boobs, big lips. I do look cute, but I'm not "petite".

First of all, no one forced me into being a prostitute. Don't pity me. I could have done any other job, but I loved (and love) sex, and I believed I could be great at this. What I didn't know is that prostitution, as anything else, is 99% marketing.

If you believe you're worth $100 - it doesn't matter if you're the most amazing woman ever, you will be paid $100.

If you believe you're worth $1000, and act like it, then that's your worth.

I was a beginner, scared and lost... At first. The more I learned, the more I specialized here and there, and was able to take more interesting and better paying customers. I began knowing more people, more websites, more places...

So, to share some of my "key" experiences.

My first experience: Random guy called me out of the blue (normally they write first!) asking, quite nicely (and clearly already horny(, to go make him a blowjob at his place. I asked him where that was, and reminded him that the blowjob was $50 and that taxi had to be pay for (around $20x2). He agreed, so there I went. He lived in a normal area, not bad, not great. When I knocked on this door, he opened already half-naked, with the dick quite hard. I got on my knees, started to blow him and maybe took him 2 minutes to cum. After being "drained" he got defensive, threw me $40 and told me to leave. I shouted and complained, but didn't want to make a mess... I didn't know better, but here I learned that money comes first and to trust no one. After this experience, I took a couple of weeks off to "recover".

My worst experience: I believe sharing this might break some sub rules, I'm not sure. Let's just say that the guy was a fucking creep, with a gentle voice and gentle manners, clearly had tons of money, and paid 5h of my time to try to "explore" both his and my limits (Although my limits were clearly stated, and a safe word was decided, he still tried again and again and again to play around those limits and convince me, as if I was stupid enough to fall into his traps)

Weirdest (yet positive) experience. One woman in their 40s hired me to flirt with his husband. I thought she wanted to catch him cheating or something, but she explained that it was just a fantasy of hers. I was paid (nicely) upfront for an all-night, and just instructed to go to a certain pub at a certain time, and talk to a certain guy. It was quite crowded, but I clearly found the guy. He was quiiiite handsome and clearly was a fan of the gym, and healthy lifestyle. Big smile, big shoulders (big dick btw). We talked, and talked and talked. I was the one doing most of the harmless flirt, he seemed _quite_ nervous. I didn't know how the wife looked like, but a pretty woman was observing us quite directly so I guessed that was her hahaha. At some point we danced, I provoked and erection, he touched me a bit, we had some more drinks, talked some more... And say our goodbies. A couple of days later, the woman texted me again, with a super long and thankful message for "allowing them to safely explore their fantasies and fetishes". Honestly I had fun!!

My best experience: A group of doctors (perverts, all of them!!) had a meeting or a talk or something in my city. They were 5 of them at first, and requested me and a friend I had at the time. It was an all-nighter, and they paid (upfront) handsomely. Our limits were stated (and always respected!) and we had so much fun. I ate her pussy so many times, they came on every inch of our bodies again and again, some of them were bisexual themselves, and it was the first time I saw IRL two guys making out (it turned me on BADLY). My ass was off-limits, but they were so nice, gentle and fun that after a couple of hours I offered it to two of them. They paid extra without me even asking for it. After 3-4 hours we were exhausted. They offered my friend and me to take us home and/or pay for a taxi if we wanted to, but also shared the option to have something to eat and keep going - they said that some friends were joining afterwards, and that we could stay and have more - paid - fun. We both stayed, and actually called another friend to lend a hand. Their friends were female friends. They bought strap-ons on a nearby sex-shop, more lube and a couple of extra toys (which they gifted to us). At some point one of the female doctors which the biggest and more perfect boobs I have ever seen was fucking, with the strap on, the nicest and calmest male doctor, while he was being pushed hard against my pussy, and I was choking on someone's dick. After this event, I couldn't use my pussy or ass for more than a week, but it was worth every second. Tons of fun, tons of respect, tons of money.

My last experience: One guy called me to meet at his place. The area was... Bad. Quite bad. He offered quite some money, so I took a taxi and went there. Once I arrived, I rang on the address he gave me, and it was the wrong address. An old lady opened the door, and I apologized and left. At this point he calls me, and he told me he deliberately gave me the wrong address to see if I was real and not cops(in the prostitute webpage I was part of, you are verified both by the company itself AND clients... At this point, I had 20+ verifications and positive comments). It seems he was watching me since I stepped off the taxi. When the guy came out of his house...... He was destroyed. I could literally smell him from where I was. I had had sex with ugly, fat or not-so-cared men... But AT LEAST smell adequately, asshole. I decided enough was enough, and I went home. He tried to come after me, but he was physically unable to chase after anyone.

Summing up, I'd say I had 40ā€“50 experiences (around twice per week. Some weeks none, some weeks 3), not all of them ending sexually. Of those that ended up sexually (30, maybe?) half were just oral sex, masturbation, cleaning their houses naked, striptease and/or dirty talk.

I'd say a 10% were amazing or really positive experiences, 80% were normal experiences I didn't dislike nor love (just like a job) and 10% were just terrible and totally negative experiences.

Anyway, just wanted to share how I lived this part of my life, the good and the not-so-good.

If you're wondering...

Yes, condoms EVERY TIME. And yes, almost every time I was asked for not using condoms. I still tested myself every month at the time. Except for once (long story for other day)

In general I didn't feel unsafe, but a couple of experiences were... Terrifying. My last one wasn't even the most terrifying at all.

I was not earning enormous quantities of money AT ALL. Enough for leaving that country, finishing my studies at the moment and have enough saved to find a boring and underpaid job hahaha. Some friends were making much more money, but drugs and dangerous stuff were always involved, and that's not for me.

Nope, 0 drugs. I'm not into drugs. Not even alcohol, just the usual amount I normally drink when socializing =)

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