[M]y Girlfriend let me cum down her [F]riend's throat
I have been seeing this woman for about a year now and it has been going, frankly, amazing. I don't have the best track record when it comes to romantic relationships, and this girl is the far-and-away the best yet, so I have been laser-focused on not fucking things up. This is a bit long so I'll spoil it now, might be amazing, might've fucked it up.
Her name is Rebecca, she's smarter than me (got her PhD), great in bed, to my friends I'd describe her as gorgeous, for just giving you an image here, honestly think 'gram model. Long legs with the perfect ass, she's in great shape which motivates me to be in great shape (or work back towards it at least). Perfect handful breasts, a body type any dress looks good on. And even before House of the Dragon she was rocking the Targaryen hair.
Don't want to get too into what we each do but we live in NYC, early thirties, we're both doing pretty well. In that magical stage of the relationship where we both have our own apartments but rarely sleep apart. Spending a lot of time in each others bed.
We're definitely compatible, she's just the kind of woman I love to fuck, flexible, a little aggressive, confidant. She grew up riding horses and it has given her a particular skillset. I have no notes really, the only mismatch we might have is giving/receiving head.
I love giving head, it's fun to focus all on a woman's pleasure. Takes the pressure off me stamina-wise, I'll put some music on, get into it. That feeling of having your face between her legs and she's moaning, you can cup her breasts and press your tongue into her... nothing quite like it.
From the jump Rebecca was never really into going down on me, maybe as a bit of foreplay, but certainly never the main event. We've talked about it and essentially it's a combination of a couple factors. It's in part because of the one-two punch of I have a pretty girth-y dick and she has a pretty small mouth (with a touch of jaw issues), but she's also just not that into it. Which fair, to each their own. I still like to go down on her and don't expect reciprocation, but she's really more of a dick-me-down girl anyway so it has kinda fallen to the wayside of our relationship.
I can't lie though, a year in and I've been missing really good head, where the girl looks you in the eyes and takes you deep. Where she's just your slut, and you get to bask in that power. Now the me of a couple years back would've let that idea roll around in my head far too much, and it would've ended in disaster. I'm in my thirties now. Everything else has been so perfect, it has been easy to put out of my mind almost completely.
Which is why when Rebecca asked me, just standing there at her stove making us food, "do you ever miss having your dick sucked?" - my brain went completely blank, for just a second, and the best I could do was deflect.
"What made you want to ask that?"
"The girls were talking about in on FaceTime."
Rebecca's friend group from college is still really tight, and even before the pandemic they spent a lot of hours on FaceTime. There's five women I'm not going to come up with four more names but there's only one that matters anyway, Trisha.
"Trisha was just bragging about how good she is, and how some guy wont stop texting her now after their last date. And I never suck your dick, is that ok?"
I definitely didn't trust my words in the moment, got up, gave her my best reassuring kiss and said something to the effect of "I wouldn't change anything." Played it as a laugh, haha funny, she gave me a big smile and I figured all was well.
Not two hours later we're lying in bed when she rolls over and says "you know if you really miss having a girl who can just like, blow you, you can tell me."
Again my brain went blank, I took a second to really carefully examine all the intricacies of my white ceiling, before responding.
"Is this something we need to have a conversation about?"
"I'm just curious! It's not like it's a big deal, not everyone can do everything."
"Ok, sure, having someone really suck your dick is nice, you can just lie back and relax, but it isn't the be-all-end-all. If you want to go down on me more though I'll never complain."
Honestly that was the gist of the conversation. She didn't jump to suck my dick right then, but for a week or two head was a more common element in our playbook, before we kind of returned to the status quo of me fucking her from behind bent over any and all pieces of furniture, or her jumping on top of me in whatever chair or couch I might be sitting on, all was well.
Until winter-wedding season rolled around. Because of how everything in the world has been, I'd never met Rebecca's close college friends in person, and we'd been together for more than a year. But then this November, one of the five girls got married. They, like me, had had a bit of a drug-addled, hard-partying phase in college, and I knew from the outset that'd be the energy people would bring to the wedding. I'm pretty comfortable in those types of environments, but on the Saturday in November when this took place, I was testing my limits. I'm just gonna yadda yadda everything before that wedding moment arrived where the prior generation goes to bed and the party starts.