So, I entered a pussy-eating contest in Japan... [MF] – Adorime
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So, I entered a pussy-eating contest in Japan... [MF]

Dec 01, 2024

Jordan Zhou

I have a side-job as an erotic massage therapist in Japan. As part of promoting myself online, I found a guy who runs a dojo for teaching men how to eat pussy properly. I followed him on Twitter/X, and through that I learned of the "All-Japan Pussy Eating Contest" that he holds, to crown the best pussy-eater in the country.

...I could you not be intrigued by that?

I decided I wanted to enter. Personal promotion aside, I was curious to see how I'd stack up against other cunnilingus lovers. I've gotten a lot of high praise for my oral skills over the years, this felt like a good chance to see how much of that praise is genuine. When the application period opened up I jumped on the opportunity and secured my spot in the tournament. And yesterday was the day of the event.

I do have to say in advance though that this story isn't particular sexy or erotic...but where else can I talk about a pussy-eating contest?

It was a relatively small venue, in the basement of a studio apartment building in a neighborhood not too far from Shinjuku. At the front of the room was a table on which the model - the girls to be eaten out, would lay. There were chairs set up to either side of the table, which were the "premium" spectator seats. And then floor cushions for people to sit behind. There were about 40-50 spectators who came to watch, apparently deciding that watching a pussy eating competition was exactly how they wanted to spend their Sunday afternoon. I'd say it was about 60/40 men/women, from all age ranges. Some of the spectators were there to support contestants...this included a woman who had come to cheer on her boyfriend. Talk about a ride or die woman, how many would cheer on their dude eating out another woman? Relationship goals, for real. There was one young woman who I was able to talk to later, she was fascinated by the whole thing, and actually wants to become a model herself. ...Maybe see you next year, then? Many of the women who attended sat up near the front.

Rules - there were 16 contestants, and the contest would be held in tournament format, with an A block and a B block. The 8 contestants in both blocks would face off one on one, and the winner of each block would face off to determine the champion. Each round would only last for two minutes. The model would pick a winner based on the tournament criteria...which sadly, was not super clear ahead of time. We were told that they'd be judging based on the first touch - how we started, if we started off gently. And that intimate contact was preferred - really getting in there and not just licking at a distance, as it were. The models used dental dams (all contestants also had to submit clean STD tests), and we were not allowed to penetrate inside her vagina or lick outside of the labia minora. Using hands in any way was also prohibited.

Upon arriving at the venue, I found that roughly half of the other contestants were also erotic massage therapists. Mostly young guys in their 20-30s. There were a few other older gentlemen, in their 50s or so, including two who had entered this contest multiple times before and even won a few times themselves. There were a couple of "normie" guys - guys who weren't erotic massage therapists or associated with the pussy licking dojo, who just heard of the contest and decided to enter. ...I was the only non-Japanese person there, which did cause a little bit of a stir and intrigue from everyone.

Before the spectators were allowed into the venue we were seeded randomly into the brackets. I didn't want to go first, as I wanted to be able to watch others go and get a feel for how everything worked. Somehow I ended up getting slotted into the final bracket in B block, which meant that I'd be going last. Furthermore, my opponent would be last year's champion. ...Fuck. My only major goal for this contest was to not go one and out, but in my first very match I'd be going up against the guy who won it all last year. I was a bit concerned about that, but eventually decided fuck it - if you wanna be the best, you gotta beat the best, right? All I could do is rely on my skills and see where that took me.

As the time to start approached the spectators piled into the small venue, and the tournament began. We started with A block. One of the models would be the judge for the entire block, while the other models stood around her and watched. There was also a judge who sat in an elevated position, I guess keeping an eye out to make sure everything was level.

The A block model was a woman named Kozaru-kun. I'm not going to post any pictures here, but if you look her up I'm sure you will find her. She was a bit short with a nose piercing and pink hair. She wore a pink lingerie set, but for the contest of course the panties came off. The other judges would often use a fan to cover her bits, but they weren't always perfect with the positioning and timing some point everyone in the venue got a good look. As she and some of the other models would say, they didn't care all that much - "we don't feel any embarrassment at all."

Anyway, the first competitor is up, kneels down before her, and when the signal is given, does his thing. Kozaru-kun is holding a pocket memo pad and a pen, and writing down notes. Aside from the people who paid for the premium seats, all we can really see is the back of the competitors head as he does his thing. The models did not react at all to whatever was being done to them - for better or for worse. While they were getting eaten out the other models and the event organizer would chat about several things, joke around, etc. The model would react to that, though.

After going through A block, we moved to B block. The model changed to a woman who preferred to keep her identity a secret. She donned a masquerade-like face mask, and wore a camisole, jacket, and skirt. The first three matches came and went, leading to the fourth and final match in which my turn finally came up. I had been standing near the back the whole time, but with my number now up I came up to the front. My opponent, last year's champion and another erotic massage therapist, went first. Now with a slightly better vantage point I did try to watch what he did a bit, but decided that just trying to copy him would do no good. Have faith in my own skills.

At one point, one of the models expressed surprise that he'd been here last year, noting that he looked different. "You look totally different. Did you change your hairstyle or something?" One of the women in the audience yelled out - "He can't answer you right now." And everyone laughed.

He finished, and my turn was up. I kneeled down in front of the Mystery Woman, more or less surrounded by audience members, and as the signal was given, did my thing. I started by licking down at the bottom, slowly making my way up, and then licking down again. ...One thing I had noticed was while a lot of guys started with this, many of them would lick up, come off her pussy, and then start at the bottom and go back up again. I wanted to make sure my tongue was in contact at all times, so I made sure to lick down. I then transitioned to finding her clit - a bit more challenging than usual due to the dental dam, and focused on it, sticking out my tongue as far as I could so that the base could lay on her clit, while the tip was able to go a ways down - and licking up, letting the tip come into contact with her clit, giving it some extended contact and stimulation, and then repeating that process a few times. Then I shortened it so that the licks would center primarily on the clit, sort of going deeper in rather than long.

I tried to look for something, any sort of reaction that might indicate that I was doing something right, but nothing. I think the venue was talking about how their perceptions of how people from other countries eat pussy...but I really couldn't focus on that.

Next I transitioned into my specialty - I can move my tongue really, really fast. I've had women say that it's like I've got a vibrator in my mouth. In all my years of watching porn I don't think I've ever seen anyone do the same tongue movements that I can. Considering this to be my secret weapon, I went for that for a little bit. Going into the final 30 seconds I changed to a rapid, somewhat deep up and down motion on the clit, that I had been working on these past few weeks to a fair degree of success.

Ordinarily, when eating pussy you'd find what feels good for her, and keep doing that. Keep things consistent, or maybe, maaaaaybe ramp up the intensity. But that all depends on the woman and how she reacts and what she likes. So...this was a challenge. With zero reaction from the model I had no idea if I could change things up or keep doing one particular method. And with a time limit of two minutes...would it be better to showcase a variety of styles? Would sticking with one approach be boring?

Time ended and I finished my effort. The crowd and other participants were very supportive, cheering for me and what not. I did my best, under the circumstances, but my opponent was still last year's champ. The organizer and the other models conferred with the B block model, and she made her choice by pointing to one of our names on the bracket board, which the organizer held facing away from us. My heart raced as braced for defeat but prepared for victory. The organizer stepped forward and announced the results by turning the bracket board around - I had won! The crowd cheered and the other contestants in my immediate area congratulated me. I was stunned - really? No shit? I won. Huh. How about that.

And dethroned last year's champ, no less.

It really did take a few minutes to sink in that I'd won. And really, getting past the first round was mostly what I wanted to accomplish, and I had, so yay. Once the surprise wore off, I had to remind myself that that was only round one, and hey, I'm still in this thing. But my next opponent would be a veteran of this tournament, a guy who'd been in so many of them that, when asked, all he could answer was "hell if I remember." He'd even won a few. My next battle would definitely be a challenge as well.

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