So, I entered a pussy-eating contest in Japan... Part 2 [MF] – Adorime
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So, I entered a pussy-eating contest in Japan... Part 2 [MF]

Dec 01, 2024

Jordan Zhou

I'd successfully won my first match, dethroning the previous year's champion in the process. Honestly this was beyond what I set out to do in this tournament. Now I was playing with house money. I figured I'd see how far my tongue could take me and just have fun in the process.

Being the final participant in B block meant that I would always be going last. I used the free time to just enjoy? the A block matches. Within A block there was a "normie" guy who became very popular with the audience. He was young-ish, very neatly dressed, and very polite. I hate to use the term, but he seemed like an otaku-type. I don't mean that in any negative way at all, just...that's probably the first thing you'd think and an easy way to describe him. Honestly I know nothing about him so that label might be completely wrong (and if it is, sorry m'dude). It was his first time in the tournament, and he wasn't an erotic massage therapist or anything like that. Just some dude who was like - "Oh, a pussy eating contest? Sure, I'll throw my lot in." He won his initial match and then won his second, going up against an older gentleman from Osaka who had also won a previous contest. Everyone loved him for his polite and extremely "normal" feel, and I'll admit too that I was kinda rooting for him to go all the way and win. ...If not me, of course.

Normally as a competitor in a competition you'd try to take some time to study the competition as well as the nature of the tournament itself. See what other techniques are being used, see what works and doesn't etc. Normally. But in this case, and I cannot stress this enough, there was no reaction at all from the models. I looked for something, anything - maybe even a subtle body twitch, muscle contractions, facial expressions - but there was nothing. Not even after a match finished - both contestants would take their turn, the model would indicate the winner, and then the next contestants would come up. No explanation as to why each contestant won or lost, no impressions, just lick and go.

We progressed through A block, and as B block came up I started to get nervous again. My opponent's handle roughly translated to "alien from the licking planet." Mr. Licking Alien was a true veteran, having taken place countless times and won a few of them. I knew I'd have my work cut out for me.

The model we'd be competing...on? is a performer named Yuko Amakata. ...Again, not posting pics, but if you're truly curious Google will help you out I imagine. She wore a red lingerie set similar to Kozaru-kun's. The veteran took his turn, and while I initially tried to watch him as well as Ms. Amakata...ultimately there wasn't really any point to that. Ms. Amakata did not react in any way, and it wouldn't do me any good to try and copy what the veteran was doing. My skills had gotten me past the reigning champ, all I could do was trust in them once more.

And when my turn came up...that I did. Just as I'd done with the Mystery Woman I kneed down in front of Ms. Amakata, and as the signal was given, did my thing. Lick up from the bottom, move up slowly, go back down again. Explore for a bit. Find the clit and focus long, deliberate licks on it. Then use my special Pussy Eating no Jutsu - Rapid Tongue Fire. Then the slower vertical variation. Close out the time with that.

The crowd gave me a lot of support as I finished, with some calling out "Nice pussy-eating!" as I returned to my space. Mr. Licking Alien and I had coincidentally been standing near each other from the start, so I resumed my place near him as we waited for the results. ...However, this time something was different. The other models also gathered round together with the event organizer. A few minutes passed...which may not seem like a long time, but when the process up to now had been to just point at the board, it felt like an eternity. Though he didn't vocalize it, I noticed that Mr. Licking Alien also seemed a bit...perturbed by the extra time that it was taking.

Eventually the event organizer came out to announce the results. As it turns out, Ms. Amakata didn't like either of us, and if it were up to her, she would have disqualified us both. Apparently we were both too "strong" for her liking. However the organizer and other models took into account personal preferences, and the fact that neither of us would have known what she liked before we went into it (also, due to the lack of reactions, we had no idea what she liked during it as well). A decision was made by the judges committee as it were...and I was declared the winner.

Being next to me Mr. Licking Alien was the first to very graciously congratulate me. But it was a...complicated victory. It's not like I won because the model liked it, I won because someone had to.

The competition took a break at this point, giving me time to stew in my thoughts. "Too strong"...and that's even with dental dams. I hadn't done anything I didn't ordinarily do, and outside of the competition, most women usually love what I bring to the muff-diving table. In one round I'd dethroned the champ, in the next I'd been at risk of being DQed. ...WTF do I do now? Stick with the plan and just hope for the best? Or take advantage of my miracle escape and adjust to the situation? My next match would be to determine the winner of B block, and who gets into the finals. First place gets a trophy, while second place gets a plaque. ...If I won, what would I even do with a "best pussy eater in Japan" trophy? Put it on the coffee table? That's one hell of a conversation starter. How would I even explain that to potential dates I'd bring back home? "So yeah, this is my trophy from when I won the best pussy eater in Japan contest. ...Would you like a demonstration?"

The break concluded and we geared up for the home stretch. Mr. Licking Alien told me that he'd like to see me go all the way, and I told him I'd do my best. The model for this round would be Kozaru-kun, who'd been the model for A block's first round. The crowd favorite otaku? guy faced off against another erotic massage therapist in A block, but lost. I would also be facing another erotic massage therapist. Same deal - I watched to an extent, but as usual, that didn't really matter. No model reactions, no point in trying to copy the guy before me.

My turn came up, and I decided that while I would stick with what got me this far...I would try a lighter touch. Too strong was the only feedback I...or anyone, really, had gotten up to this point, so ignoring it would be riskier than not. I did my thing, finished, and went back to my place. This time Kozaru-kun made her decision with far less time or controversy - my opponent won. I was...disappointed, of course, but not super down about it. I'd gotten a lot farther than I anticipated I would, and losing here meant I tied for third place. ...There are no trophies for third place, for better or for worse But I dunno, logistical nightmare though it might have been, I kinda wanted one.

Ultimately the winner from A block won the championship. He happens to be from the same erotic massage shop that last year's winner was from, so that's pretty good publicity for them? Though, working this side job, I'm learning that men and women don't really function the same way (no duh, right). I don't think women react as favorably to "I won a pussy eating contest!" as men would to "I won a BJ contest!" Someone should conduct a study on this, for scientific purposes. Anyway, the judge for the final round was Ms. Amakata, so even if I had won the semi-final I probably would have lost in the finals either way.

All in all, it was a fun, interesting event to participate in. I got past the first round and beat the previous year's champ. More than that I met a lot of really interesting and fun people, so that was the real reward of the event.

There was an after party which I participated in. Contestants were encouraged to participate, as the models would also attend and we'd be able to talk to them and get feedback. After a while, Kozaru-kun took it upon herself to track down the contestants and give them her detailed feedback, which I thought was extremely awesome of her. For me, she said she really liked it, but she prefers a stronger touch, so she wishes that I had been stronger, and she wanted a bit more consistency - my individual techniques were great, but switching lead to a drop in sensation, so pick one and stick with it. Overall though she said it was really good. So I feel content with that. Ultimately my decision to go lighter might have cost me the match, but as I said with Ms. Amakata judging the final round I wouldn't have won anyway, so I'm good with how things turned out.

Buuuuuut! I don't intend to rest on my laurels simply being tied for third place for best pussy eater in Japan. No, there is always room for improvement! Actually, before the contest I did ask RAOMD if anyone would be up for helping me practice, and a few kind redditors did take me up on that. If you are reading, thank you so much, it really was a great help! Especially the whole two minute time limit thing. Thank you so much for being good sports for the "hey, can I eat you out in two minute intervals" thing!

Will I participate in the next one? I dunno. Maybe? Probably? I'm not quite sure. I might like to go at least, as one of those people who figured that attending a pussy eating contest was the best way to spend their Sunday afternoon. Who knows though? Will I still be an erotic massage therapist one year from now? Hell, I could even be in a relationship...would my potential future girlfriend be okay with her dude entering a pussy eating contest? I mean, at least one guy's girlfriend was...and seriously, relationship goals, I need to find me a woman who'd be all in on supporting me in a pussy eating contest. I'm not the only one who had their mind blown by this, other people at the venue were like...really? True MVP right there.;dr, entered a pussy-eating contest in Japan, beat the former champ, tied for 3rd place. I hope y'all had half as interesting a Sunday afternoon as I did.

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