Masturbation - How to Stop Masturbating and Get Your Sexual Life Back on Track
Masturbation is very common among men. Most men who are involved in satisfying romantic relationships with a spouse also masturbate on a regular basis. Those who are not in a satisfying sexual relationship also masturbate on a regular basis.

For many people, masturbation is just an everyday healthy activity. They feel no special cause to stop doing masturbation after masturbation has ended, just like eating a healthy diet. It's "just part of my everyday routine." Unfortunately, this is not true. If masturbation is not stopped, it can become an addiction and begin to cause other problems in the person's life.
Those who are addicted to masturbation often say masturbation is "sick". Not only does it feel good but it allows people to escape from real life problems and tough situations. Men and women both can use masturbation as a means of dealing with emotional or even physical pain. With masturbation, people masturbate because they find it a great way to deal with problems such as feeling sad about a loss of a loved one or friend, feeling angry about a situation at work, or even feeling anxious and frustrated because of day-to-day pressures at home or at school.
When a man masturbates, he uses his mind to achieve sexual pleasure. He focuses his mind on achieving an erection, which results in him stimulating himself. There is more to masturbation than just stroking yourself over the course of hours. Some men use masturbation as a way to explore their sexuality, to learn how to pleasure themselves, to overcome anxieties or fears, or to prepare for sexual activity with someone new. Whatever the reason, masturbation is not a normal, healthy sexual activity.
There are different ways a male can masturbate and achieve orgasm. One of the most common methods is known as masturbation before sex. In this method, the male masturbates himself over again until he achieves an erection and then uses that erection as a tool to stimulate his partner during intercourse. Most females do not like this form of masturbation because it is very rough and results in the male ejaculating before he ever reaches climax. Another popular method used to achieve orgasm is by using a vibrator, which sends vibrations into the clitoris and vaginal area to create an intense sensation for a female.
Because masturbation can be a regular source of stress and frustration for men, it is important for them to seek therapy so that they can overcome their habit and relieve the symptoms. It is always important to consult a licensed therapist before trying any new treatment. In addition to talking to your family doctor, you should also check with your state's Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. Remember, it is never too late to overcome your masturbation addiction and enjoy a healthy sex life.