Tips for Improving Male Masturbation with Sex Toys: Advice from Personal Experience – Adorime
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My Male Sex Toy Tips after A Life Of Normal Masturbation

My Male Sex Toy Tips after A Life Of Normal Masturbation

Mar 12, 2023

Jordan Zhou

Hello everyone, I've been using help from this sub for a while and I think it's time for me to give my piece of advice, so I made a list of tips on how to enjoy sex toys after being accustomed to regular masturbation with my hand.

First of all, let's talk about my toy.

The sex toy I got is the Adorime BUMBLEBEE, after a while of considering options I felt like this was the right one for me.
The BUMBLEBEE is a fleshlight with vibration and thrustion.

The rest of my advice however does apply to anyone with a fleshlight.

During my first use of my sex toy I felt like I was not getting the pleasure out of it that I wanted, so here is a list of the problems I had and how I solved them.

1) When using my toy I felt like it was too artificial of feeling and I felt bad for myself.

After pondering for a while and reading articles and other posts, I learned this is a normal feeling, we all do have shame in ourselves but it's okay to give yourself a good time and love yourself, and leave shame for later. Remember that your time is for YOU and there is nothing wrong with enjoying yourself.

Of course, everyone is different, so investigating the matter further might be needed for you, and if you have a therapist it might not be a bad idea to talk about it.

kegel exercise

2) During a couple of uses I felt like I came too fast, for me this was a problem as most times I have limited time before I'm not alone, so I can't use the toy as effectively when accounting for toy cleaning, so a second nut after a while is out of the question. Trying not to come fast when you're feeling good and want to feel good is not a short-term solution, but it can be solved.

The solution was starting to do Kegels and edging exercises, when you have a toy that can simulate real sex off course it will feel good enough to make you explode fast, so applying this technique to hold ejaculation will be an effective method of enjoying your toy time more, and as a bonus, it will help with your relationships too in the long term.


3) I felt like my toy was too stiff and didn't feel as good.

Solution: Use the lube correctly, while every time I used my toy I didn't cheap out on the lube amount, I did on the time applying it, remember that you should cover yourself and the interior of your with a generous and well-spread amount of lube, or otherwise you will feel as your dick is stuck in silicone rather than penetrating something.


4) Get in the right mood, using a toy requires you to be hard, it can be made from soft squishy material but it's still solid enough to resist a partly flaccid penis, so if you gotta pause your session to prepare your toy and get ready for action you might be soft again when you're over with the prep, it's better to use your hand for a while or get into the right moment when you can maintain your erection to then insert your toy.

This was my problem for point number 2, usually, you are way too much in the mood and your toy time is way less than you wanted when you come fast, so don't get lazy on your practice for longer and more satisfying erections.

Following all of the tips above I was able to get the most out of my toy, so if you're having trouble having a good time with yours it's a good thing to give them a read.


- To improve your male toy/ fleshlight:

Learn to feel good about yourself and leave shame away.

Practice Kegels and edging for a longer satisfying erection and your usage.

Use lube correctly.

Get hard and in the right mood to use it, and use tip 2 to not let this shorten your toy time.