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Giving my friend a massage has reshaped our relationship - Part 3

Dec 20, 2023


Jordan Zhou

I left off part two just as we were heading to bed, Emma inviting me to share her room rather than sleep on the couch. She had playfully warned me to not get any bright ideas, and while I'm sure some of you saw that as foreshadowing for a night full of passionate sex, the reality was that we were both pretty tired. Tired from a long day, tired from the weed wearing off, and tired from focusing on such an intense massage which had culminated in such a passionate end.

I did strip down to my boxers and Emma remained topless, swapping out her leggings for a pair of pajama shorts. There was maybe a little hesitancy between us as I climbed into bed next to her, but within minutes she was fast asleep with her head on my shoulder and one arm draped across my chest.

In the morning we woke up in nearly the same position, her head on my shoulder, her breasts pressed into my ribcage, her black hair messily strewn across my chest and neck. I had my left arm wrapped around her back, and as we both woke up started gently scratching her back slowly up and down. She nuzzled into me before finally opening her eyes and looking up towards me, her pretty brown eyes all soft and cozy in the morning light.

We said good morning to each other and debated sleeping longer, but decided to get up and start our day. Soon we were both dressed and in her kitchen making coffee, both silently content. I decided to speak up first, asking to just make sure everything last night was good with her.

She readily and enthusiastically said that everything last night was "more than good", sparking another short check-in conversation about everything happening between us. In short, we both agreed that we enjoyed this new physical aspect of our relationship, both of us agreed that we didn't want to have sex or a relationship that would change our current friendship, but were enjoying the sensual/sexual tension and physical pleasure. We also agreed that we were both fine with seeing each other nude and didn't really have an issue if things eventually got more sexual, but were enjoying whatever was happening so long as we remained friends.

I asked her if she was interested in exploring massage a little more, hinting towards her interest in more sensual/tantric styles of massage. She said she would be, noting that she felt safe and comfortable with me, also offering to try out her hand at giving me a massage or two. I was honestly happy to just give her massages and explore all of this with her as I'm genuinely interested in learning about it, but told her I wouldn't stop her if she felt inclined.

It was a really refreshing conversation after all the tension and silent pushing of borders to try and establish a boundary, and honestly just made me appreciate Emma that much more as a friend. We finished our coffees around the same time as we were wrapping up our conversation and soon after I departed, heading back to my apartment to start work.

We were both busy throughout the week with work and other commitments, only texting a few times here and there for last minute planning items for our big friendsgiving get-together happening that weekend. She did however text me one link to a list of massage book reviews, including a few more sensual/tantric themed ones, saying "could be a fun read ;)". I didn't tell her, but I ordered one on amazon and started reading it, noting down a few tips and techniques to try out.

— Weekend Get-Together— Eventually the weekend and the big get together came, with Emma and I carpooling together with my car loaded down with groceries and cooking equipment. I'll just touch on the main point of the weekend, as it was sixteen total people in a big lodge style house we rented with a lot going on.

We were all bunked up in four bedrooms, so no real intimate moments during the night. Emma and I did a lot of the cooking so we spent a good portion of the weekend in close proximity. There was definitely a lot more touching and physical contact than normal, with lots of little smiles and looks between us.

The house did have a hot tub, and late Friday night Emma, Myself, and one other girl all decided to use it. Eventually the other girl left, and Emma immediately placed her feet up into my lap. I instinctively grabbed them and started massaging, causing her to lean back and let out a cute little groan of relief. We were right below a bedroom window so couldn't really do much, but I did work my hands up her legs, massaging almost to the hem of her bikini which she seemed to really enjoy.

We were a little tipsy and high and having a flirty-ish conversation while I rubbed her feet, with her hinting about how she could go for more than just a foot rub if we were alone. Eventually though we wanted to head in and join the others so we started to get out, but not before Emma playfully looked around, quickly pulling her bikini top down and flashing me with a goofy tipsy laugh, saying "payment for the footrub".

Emboldened by the alcohol and her playfulness I quickly slapped her butt as she bent over to pick up her towel off the chair next to the tub. She stood up and turned to face me, placing one hand on my chest and leaning in close with a grin, saying "watch it there bud".

As we returned inside wrapped in our towels, everyone was in a fun, goofy mood, with plenty of weed and wine flowing around. I slipped upstairs to the bedroom I was sharing with Emma and another couple to change, and just as I had put on dry pants and was grabbing a shirt Emma came into the room and closed the door behind her, a freshly filled glass of wine in her hand. Finding and slipping on the shirt I wanted, I started to make my way to the door, but Emma said in a rushed, whispered tone "wait one second let me get changed first".

I playfully responded "ugh fine but hurry up", grabbing her glass of wine and taking a big sip from it. She dropped her towel and energetically started rifling through her duffle bag to pull out fresh clothes while we absentmindedly talked, honestly not that I can remember what about. I was mostly just leaning back against the door enjoying the view of her bent over, the wet light blue fabric of her bikini pulled tight to her skin, showing off a lot of cheek and a teasing view between her thighs.

Without turning to look at me she reached back and pulled down her bottoms. She was still half bent over, and as she peeled them off I caught the slightest glimpse of her lips pressed together between her thighs. She quickly stood up though and slipped on a pair of black panties and some shorts. She must have asked me a question or noticed my silence, because as she was starting to take off her bikini top she turned to look at me and laughed, saying "oh my god, get it together".

I just laughed in response and said "it's not my fault you're so fucking hot".

I think that might have caught her, and myself, off guard a little - as I don't think I had really said anything that direct about finding her hot. Silly in hindsight given everything that had happened between us, but she blushed and stayed silent for a moment. Usually I would probably stay silent too, but emboldened by all the wine and weed throughout the night I doubled down with some playfulness, saying "oh come on you know you're hot and I'm gonna look, now hurry up so I can go back downstairs please".

She smiled and laughed a little, then just said "fine", with a slight pout in her voice. She silently pulled her bikini top off her shoulders and untied the back, letting it fall to the floor while maintaining eye contact with me. "Look all you want …" she said, bringing her hands up to her breasts and playfully kneading them, taking a step forwards towards me.

Wordlessly I just savored the sight of her, not sure for a moment just how much this was playful vs sensual teasing. I took another sip of her wine, then decided to meet her challenge and took a step towards her, my right hand extending to touch the side of her bare torso. She bit her lip as my thumb traced her lowest rib and my fingers curled around her side, then leaned in so her nipples just ever so slightly grazed my shirt.

I felt a surge of sexual energy and desire for her and quickly grew hard, but just as I began to move my hand up to cup her breast she giggled and stepped back, finishing her sentence from just seconds before "… but no touching".

She laughed as the tension broke and she slipped on a bralette and shirt, then teased me a little for the apparent blush on my flustered looking face. Briefly accepting defeat in whatever game we were playing, I just smiled and said "alright let's go please", letting her walk in front of me towards the door.

Just as she was about to open the door though I reached out and grabbed both her shoulders from behind, quickly kneading my fingers into her neck and shoulder muscles where I knew she held some tension. She quickly relaxed and groaned as I somewhat roughly massaged her, then leaned in to her ear and whispered "you can tease me but remember how good I can make you feel", then took a little risk and kissed her ear softly before dropping my hands and walking past her and out the door, hearing her mumble out something along the lines of "ridiculous" behind me.

Other than some light teasing and general closeness that was mostly it for the weekend between us, and come Sunday afternoon Emma and I were headed back to the city in my car. We stopped at her apartment first and unloaded everything, and while chatting about our plans for the rest of the evening Emma mentioned how she didn't want to even think of cooking anything else for dinner, asking if I wanted to get some takeout together later on.

— Post Trip —

If I'm being honest I would have loved to just go home and relax alone after such a busy and fun weekend, but I figured it would be nice to have some alone time with her and agreed, telling her to come over in a few hours. I went back to mine and cleaned up, doing some chores, laundry and showering. While I was relaxing at mine, I noticed just how tired I was from all of the weekends festivities and considered cancelling on her, but as I was debating I got a text that she was headed over.

She brought over some much appreciated salads from a restaurant near my apartment, and I think she quickly noticed and commented on my lower than usual energy levels. I told her that honestly I was just worn out from the weekend, and once we were done eating she offered to head home if I just wanted to go to sleep. I told her she was welcome to stay and watch a show or movie with me, but what she said next definitely raised my spirits a bit.

As I was rinsing off our plates, she somewhat hesitantly said "If you want … or are up for it I guess, I could give you a massage. It's my turn anyway after everything".

She didn't need to ask me twice, readily agreeing and asking her where she wanted me. I could see a little bit of excitement on her face and a bit of her bubbly personality come up as she stood and said more confidently "okay sweet, I read and watched some tutorials last week. Go grab your pillows and stuff and let's have you lay down here", gesturing towards the open space on my living room rug.

Within a few minutes we had setup a yoga mat and some blankets and pillows, and I had resigned myself to letting her take the lead. It was honestly really nice to just relax and let her take control, and I think she was enjoying it as well, telling me again how she had been thinking about this and to give her feedback as she went.

Once we were all setup and ready with some music playing in the background, she walked up to me and pulled my shirt off over my head, giving me a look up and down before saying "pants too".

I stepped out of them leaving me in just my boxers, then laid face down and got comfortable as she laid a blanket over my lower half. I felt her sit on her knees at the top of my head with one leg on each side, the fabric of her pants brushing against my ears. She spoke up and softly said "okay just relax and follow my lead" as her now oil coated fingers delicately fell one by one onto my shoulders.

I heard her voice almost whisper "deep breaths", her fingers starting to trace up and down my back following my breath. It was like all the tension and tiredness in my body evaporated into her hands, and I zoned out into just a purely blissful state as she started massaging my back, shoulders, neck, and arms. Whatever she had been reading or watching definitely paid off - her hands felt so good and she was working out tension in my shoulders that I wasn't even aware of beforehand.

She checked in a few times while working on my back, each time getting a "so good" or "amazing" in response from me. She also tried a few different techniques and pressures, a few times digging so deep into my shoulder blades that it bordered on pain (but the good kind), and also moving my arms into different positions at times. Otherwise we were mostly silent, just the sounds of both our breathing and my sighs of relief breaking through the music. I lost track of time pretty quickly, but twenty minutes or so probably passed by before I felt her hands working down over my lower back and hips.

She soon readjusted herself, draping the blanket over my back and finding a kneeling seat between my now exposed legs. She worked up my calves and hamstrings for a few minutes, sending me deeper and deeper into a relaxed state. It felt like my body was sinking into the floor, and occasionally I would feel a little surge of energy as her hands worked up my inner thigh, stopping just at the hem of my boxers.

She repeated these long strokes up my legs, starting at my ankles and drifting up towards my inner thigh before slowly descending over and over. Eventually she adjusted the blanket to expose all of my boxers, her hands now drifting over the fabric and digging into the back of my hips at the top of each stroke. I don't know how to exactly describe what happened next, but on one of these strokes it was almost like her hands guided my hips up ever so slightly.

Maybe it was subconscious, but it felt like she lifted my waist up just a little, her fingers naturally slipping under the top elastic band of my boxers. The next thing I knew she was slowly sliding my boxers down my legs as her hands massaged into my glutes, causing me to let out a soft groan of pleasure. Once my boxers were fully off and her hands lifted off my ankles, I heard her giggle very softly and say "nice butt", before playfully slapping my left glute.

I just laughed in response and said "this all feels so good", her hands staying on my butt and starting to massage my glutes. Pretty soon the playfulness was gone and things started to feel more sensual, her hands now fully roaming up and down my lower half, drifting further and further up my inner thigh, my body fully in her control. My cock was pressed up against my stomach and I soon felt it stiffen against me, deciding to not try and fight any arousal and just be fully present.

It was almost like she could read my growing arousal, because once I was fully hard and starting to feel that sexual energy building up in my stomach she told me to flip over, adjusting the blanket as I did. She kept my lower half covered from around my belly button downwards, but I'm sure the outline of my erection was perfectly visible underneath it.

She adjusted again and came to sit cross legged above me, lifting up my head and placing it in her lap with her fingers tussling into my hair. For the first time since starting I opened my eyes and looked up at her, meeting her gaze. Her face was warm and gentle, a soft smile as she looked down at me. Her hair was up in a pony tail with a few loose strands of black hair framing her face. She bent down to the point where our noses were almost touching, grinning widely and whispering "everything still good?"

"Everything is perfect", I responded, smiling back at her and sighing as her fingers scratched at my hair.

I could see her eyes were a little pensive and she hesitated, then asked in the same quiet voice "Everything we talked about last time still good?" her eyes gesturing down my body and continuing "like if my hands go … everywhere?".

She dragged out the word "everywhere" with a cheeky grin and a raise of her eyebrows. I smiled back and whispered "you're in charge - I trust you to experiment however you want".

In response she did something unexpected, kissing my forehead gently then using her hands to softly close my eyes. Immediately her hands drifted down the sides of my head, massaging my temples and jaw briefly before slowly dragging her nails down the sides of my neck. My neck and collarbones have always been sensitive, so feeling her nails scratching their way down towards my chest made me shiver a little and sent a surge of pleasure down towards my stomach.

Her hands dropped flat at the top of my pecs, spreading her fingers wide as she kneaded into my chest. She massaged across my chest and down the tops of my arms, slowly working her strokes deeper and longer across my upper body. A few times her hands and fingers teased around my nipples, which honestly aren't too sensitive but still felt good and added to the sensual, more intimate nature of the massage.

My body pretty quickly relaxed again to her touch, and time started drifting by as she massaged down my chest. Occasional little surges of pleasure would bounce through me as her fingers drifted lower and lower, brushing over my abdomen and the sides of my hips. I was still incredibly hard, and after some time passed I felt her fingertips drift across the outline of my cock over the fabric of the blanket. I heard her let out a deep breath when she did so, then felt her fingers slip under the blanker and slide over my abdomen and to the tops of my thighs.

My head was still in her lap and I could feel her stomach press into me as she leaned down over my body. Her hands worked their way up and down my abdomen and hips, inching closer and closer towards my groin. She was making slow deliberate movements and I could feel the energy and tension building between us. I briefly opened my eyes, and while they were mostly covered by her shirt bunched up above me I could see her gaze was locked onto my waistline.

Ever so slowly as she massaged, the blanket slipped little by little off of her forearms and further down my body. Soon I felt the cool air of the room on the tip of my cock, no doubt now visible to her. Her thumbs started grazing the sides of my shaft, at first just her finger nails.

I could feel her breath in her stomach as it pressed rhythmically against my head, my own breath matching hers and growing deeper as I felt an intense butterfly like feeling within me.

Suddenly the blanket slipped, or was moved, further down. My cock was now fully exposed, aching slightly and pointing upwards hovering above my abdomen. Her fingertips drifted through my trimmed pubic hair, my cock bouncing across the tops of her hands, sending little shivers of pleasure through me.

In the moment I felt so safe and comfortable and turned on, the realization that one of my best and longest friends was now starting to touch my cock not fully sinking in. Finally after one more stroke down the sides of my abdomen and over the tops of my thighs, she pressed both of her palms tightly to either side of my shaft and slowly dragged upwards, kneading the sides of my cock. She moved her hands agonizingly slowly as I moaned out softly in pleasure, my hips squirming a little to her touch and my head twisting into her lap. Just as her hands were about to reach my tip, they quickly pulled away and I felt her body stiffen and sit up straight.

A brief moment of worry struck me and the weight of everything sunk in, but it was quickly soothed as I opened my eyes to find her grinning and biting her lip looking down at me. She nodded wordlessly at me, a questioning nod that I matched enthusiastically. She lifted my head up as she scooted out from under me, my neck relaxing into a flat position as she slid around to my side, kneeling adjacent to my waist. My right hand slipped behind her and rested on her ankles as she resumed where she had left off, now looking up at me from my side.

We held each other's gaze as her left hand landed on my lower stomach and the fingers of her right hand rested across the base of my shaft. I closed my eyes as pleasure rolled through me, my lips parting as her left hand applied circular pressure grounding me from my core and her right slowly rubbed up and down my shaft. Her strokes were light as she teased and brought me to a full throbbing hardness, then started gripping and massaging the base of my cock with her fingers. 
She wasn't really stroking, but massaging and exploring different ways to rub, causing a variety of sensations within me. I tried to just relax into her touch but found myself getting worked up rather quickly, opening my eyes at one particularly intense moment when her fingers finally wrapped around my cock and pulled/squeezed downwards. I could feel some tension in the tip of my cock and looked down, noticing quite a substantial amount of precum strung between my stomach and tip. I groaned out in pleasure as she slid her oily fingers up the length of my shaft, her fingers alternating a heavy pressure as they travelled upwards.

My hand resting on her ankle gripped it tightly, and I think sensing just how worked up I was getting she leaned towards my face, continuing to slowly slide her firm grip up and down my shaft. She whispered to me "just breathe", slipping her left hand up my chest and holding me down as I squirmed beneath her touch.

I tried to focus on my breathing and started to settle and spread the sensation of her touch through my body, the pleasure radiating out through my legs and core. My grip on her calves relaxed, and on the next painfully slow stroke down my shaft her left hand drifted downwards and slipped underneath my balls, cupping them and slowly massaging them. I did my best to fully let go and give in to her touch, probably writhing and moaning as she massaged and slowly moved her hands around me.

She alternated between different strokes and techniques, sometimes using both her hands tightly on my cock, sometimes letting go of it entirely and massaging my legs, occasionally using just a finger or two to concentrate sensations on the tip of my cock. I was losing track of time and my own awareness and was pretty much fully absorbed into the sensations coursing through me.

After some amount of time - maybe five minutes or maybe thirty, Emma started concentrating on a single, faster motion. She pressed my throbbing hardness tight against my stomach. She used her right palm to rub up and down the underside of my shaft, her fingers wrapping and curling around my tip at the top of each stroke. She pressed into my chest with her left hand, alternating how much pressure she used with my breaths. She also started whispering to me again, leaning in closer to me and saying "just relax, feel my hands, feel every little sensation between us."

Pretty soon I was breathing deeper and deeper, feeling energy swelling up in my abdomen and my balls tightening and aching. I whispered out that I was getting close and Emma wordlessly continued, pressing harder into my chest and increasing the friction on my cock. Just as I was about to cum, or maybe just as I started to throb and orgasm, Emma wrapped her fingers around my cock and firmly made short strokes, pumping up and down across the ridge between my shaft and tip. I moaned out and my legs tightened as my orgasm erupted through me, covering my stomach, chest, and her arms and forearms in my cum.

Once the orgasm and the throbbing subsided I was left breathless, feeling the weight of her hands grounding me. I opened my eyes and saw her gazing down at me smiling, both of us starting to giggle in unison as the weight of everything settled down around us.

I thanked her and told her how good that felt, with her smiling and acting all cute and proud of herself, saying how she had a lot of fun. I asked her, "so confirmed this is a kink for you?" with a slight laugh, seeing her blush and nod her head vigorously.

She helped me stand up and I went to rinse off quickly in the shower. She washed her hands off in the sink then wrapped me up in a towel as I stepped out, embracing me in a tight hug. We cleaned up the living room briefly, both of us moving slightly with grins on our faces and a glowing feeling between us.

I through on a pair of shorts and brought her one of my shirts and a pair of sweats while she was using the restroom, telling her she was welcome to sleep over. She said she'd love to, but noted we couldn't sleep in as she had an early-ish meeting to get to tomorrow. She also pushed past my outstretched arms holding the extra clothes, turning back at me with a smile saying "now that we're comfy with each other I usually just sleep naked", causing us both to laugh and strip down together.

After getting ready for bed we both cuddled up next to each other, her resting her shoulder on my head and throwing her leg over mine. As we started to drift to sleep we briefly talked about everything again, mostly just confirming that we both were okay with everything that happened and were excited to keep exploring. The last thing I said before drifting off to sleep was for her to pick a date this week for me to return the favor, my head spinning with ideas on how to treat her to an equal experience.

— That's it for now. Hope this longer part will keep you all entertained for a bit:)

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