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Giving my long term friend a massage has reshaped our relationship - Part 2

Dec 20, 2023


Jordan Zhou

I left off part one the day after the first massage I gave Emma. We exchanged some text messages that were a little more serious, checking in to make sure both of us were still okay with the new physical, albeit still completely platonic, dynamic of our friendship. With confirmation that she enjoyed it and would be open to repeating the experience, I couldn't get the thought of her out of my mind for the next few days. Thoughts from the previous night, the way her skin looked in the dim light, the way her thighs felt underneath my hands, and the sight of her butt held behind her boy-short panties consumed me.

That weekend, myself, Emma, and a few friends from our larger group all hung out again for one final planning session for our group's Friendsgiving event I talked about in the last part. The night went well, hosted at Emma's house, and by the end of it everyone was a little tipsy and we had a general sense of who was cooking what, who was driving with who, all of those sorts of things.

In a non-unusual end to the night, I was the last one to leave Emma's apartment, and we each had a beer while cleaning up her kitchen and getting her apartment back in order. There was no mention in person of our previous massage, no real sexual tension anymore, and we were back to our usual friendly duo.

That didn't last long though - once we had tidied up she asked if I wanted to go for a walk through the nearby park, and you guessed it, share a joint (legal where we live if that wasn't clear by the way). On our little night time stroll, we quickly found ourselves talking about massages. I told her more about the classes I took and my experiences with my last partner, with her making a few sexually charged playful comments about what must have happened "after" those massages. In response to those comments, I just said that I don't kiss and tell, but alluded to massages being great foreplay.

By the end of our walk we were talking about our sex lives now that we've both been single for a little bit. Talking about sex isn't super unusual for us, but it's typically not something we discuss as openly as we were. Both of us confessed to essentially not having as much sex as we would like, with a few successful dates here and there, pretty typical for two late twenty year olds it seems like.

We ended the walk outside of her apartment building. I assumed I'd be heading home from there, but she asked if I wanted to stay and hang out for a little longer. I obliged, and we were soon back in her apartment.

I made us some tea while she went off to her room for a minute, eventually returning to her living room/kitchen area and taking a seat on a stool by the counter. Emma had put her mid-back length black hair up into a sort of messy ponytail, with a few strands of hair loosely hanging down framing her face. She had also changed from her jeans and long sleeve shirt into a pair of flowy leggings and a loose, oversized sweater.

She had turned on some music in the background and we started chatting again about sexual topics, with her prying a little about any sexual massage experiences I had. Taking somewhat of a bolder approach, I teased her and asked if this was some sort of new kink I needed to be aware of, asking playfully if the foot rub I gave her was really that good. She laughed and just told me to shut up, to which I pointed out "shut up" doesn't mean no. That just made her blush as we both took a sip of our tea, both savoring the moment and I think also a little apprehensive about where we wanted the "line" to fall between us.

Breaking the silence, I divulged a little bit of information about some experimentation with "tantra", mostly stuff myself and Rachel (my ex) had read online and in a couple books. I say we, but Rachel wasn't really into any of it, or well, wasn't really into the whole mutual pleasure aspect. She would happily accept a massage or more, but rarely returned anything, hence the whole "ex" thing. Anyways, getting back on track, Emma and I discussed this a little further, mostly her asking questions and me explaining how I really don't have much experience or knowledge on the topic, but assuring her that it was always fun.

Again being a little bold, I asked her in a similarly teasing tone, "so what, new-found kink I take it?". Emma laughed, and instead of responding playfully said in a more serious tone, "yeah, I guess. I don't know it just kinda seems intriguing to get that in tune with my own body and pleasure and all that ... maybe one day". With that, Emma shrugged and finished her tea, walking past me to the sink to set down her mug.

I turned to watch her, selfishly taking another look at her butt as she walked the few steps away from me. I was instantly transported back to the previous night, the little tease of cheek at the bottom of her panties. Coupled with our previous sexual conversation and a little reminiscing on past experiences, I suddenly noticed I was growing hard again and feeling that warm tingle throughout my body.

After turning back to face me, Emma reached both of her hands up and stretched, leaning from side to side. A brief silence fell between us as we both sort of eyed the other, but Emma spoke and asked if I wanted to pick up our show (IASIP) back where we left off. Agreeing, we moved into her little living room space and took a seat next to each other on her small loveseat sectional couch.

After a few minutes of watching, I realized I wasn't really paying attention and was subconsciously stealing glances at Emma out of the corner of my eye, watching her giggle or fidget around as we sat. I also started fantasizing about massaging her again, letting my mind run a little wild with some sexual scenarios, causing me to get pretty hard all of a sudden. The first episode ended soon enough though and I asked her to pause briefly while I went to the restroom, secretly hoping to calm down a little.

When I went into her bathroom, the first thing I noticed was a small tub of coconut body oil on her counter. I paused for a moment and contemplated, but fueled by our banter and teasing throughout the night decided to take one more risk, and returned to the living room with the small container in hand.

She was scrolling on her phone when I came back and as she looked up at me I said "want to sit on the floor in front of me for the next episode? I'll rub your shoulders with this" while showing her the oil.

A smile crept across her face and maybe a hint of a blush, but she wordlessly scooted off the couch and onto the floor, patting the couch seat behind her.

I took my spot and spread my legs around her seated torso, my feet planted at either side of her hips. She scooted back into me so her arms were in contact with my pants, and I think we both realized at the same time that there was an issue - her oversized sweater. Honestly in the bathroom I hadn't even considered this, and it wasn't my intention to get her topless or anything like that.

She looked back at me and questioned "think you can massage underneath this?", tugging at her collar.

I responded saying "I'll do my best", then rubbed some oil onto my fingers, letting it melt and coat my palms. I started by just gently placing my hands on the back of her neck while she restarted the show.

Trying to remember everything I could from the one massage book and few classes, I let her body acclimate to my touch momentarily, just gently pulsating my fingers into the base of her neck and tops of her shoulders. My fingers were able to slip under the loose neck of the sweater enough to start stroking downward, slowly kneading into the connection of her neck and shoulder. I immediately noticed how tense her neck was and told her as much, to which she agreed and said she had been having some bad headaches lately.

I moved my fingers back up and had her try to relax and drop her head back a little, supporting the weight of her skull with my fingers, kneading into the muscles of her neck. Her ponytail draped over my wrist, and as she dropped her head back slightly I could just see the peaks of her eyelashes fluttering closed when I looked down at her. Within a minute or so of starting to massage her neck my attention was solely focused on her, the show merely background noise.

After a few minutes of massaging her neck, I worked my way up higher towards her scalp, gently massaging behind her ears and the sides of her temples. She really liked this, letting out a low soft groan, then giggling and saying how good it felt. I really had the urge at that point to bend down and kiss her forehead, but resisted, still unsure of what our line was.

Maybe ten minutes into the massage, I moved my way back down to focus on her shoulders. I slipped my fingers back under her collar and started to try and make some gentle broad strokes, but my hands quickly started tugging on the fabric. I could have made it work, but she spoke, saying "wait, pause for a sec".

I pulled my hands back out and said "yeah what's up?", her head tilting to one side to look back at me, that same pensive look on her face from before.

With the faintest smile on her lips, I saw her start to speak, then pause, then start again, saying just "don't get any ideas", before peeling off her sweater in one smooth motion and turning her head back straight.

Holy shit I wish I could go back in time to relive this moment - as you may have guessed she didn't have a bra on and was now completely topless as she draped her sweater over her crossed legs like a blanket. I think I actually froze for a second, stunned by the sight below me - her black hair up in a ponytail, her collarbones prominently framing the top of her chest, the curves of the top of her breasts and her nipples now poking outwards from her body.

Jumping on my stupor, Emma quickly chimed in with "oh my god it's not the first time you've seen them come on get back to it", laughing slightly as she finished her sentence. While I had seen her topless many times before, skinny dipping or briefly while changing, something about this felt way different and more intimate.

Her words shook me back into reality though, and I quickly got to work massaging her shoulders. As much as I thought I wouldn't be able to focus, I was soon in the zone and almost (key word almost) acclimated to her being topless. 10, 15, then 20 minutes passed by while I massaged her shoulders, starting with broad gentle strokes down from her neck to the tops of her arms, progressing to some kneading and deeper work into the thick muscular parts of her shoulders.

I think we both entered somewhat of a unified flow state - my hands automatically adjusting to her breathing, her small sighs of relief and the occasional low moan. I found a few knots deep in her shoulder that caused her to groan out in relief and drop her head back into the seat cushion, each time causing her breasts to bounce slightly back and forth. At some point during this dance between us she had paused the show, leaving us in total silence, save for the sound of her breathing and sighing.

On a few particularly deep spots, her hands would grip onto my calves and ankles, squeezing into me as I kneaded into her muscles. It was honestly so fun, but pretty soon I was running out of ways to massage her shoulders, so I started to slow and soften my strokes, growing gentler and gentler until I was basically brushing the tips of my fingers across the tops of her shoulders, arms, and neck.

She seemed to really like this feathery touch, leaning back into my legs and draping her arms over my thighs, spreading her chest open a little. As she adjusted, my fingers brushed across the front of her shoulders and dropped down to her collarbones. For some reason this felt like a more intimate region, but sensing no protest and feeling her relax further into me I continued, tracing the outline of her collarbones.

She was making the softest deep breathing sounds as I started to touch the top of her chest, and it felt like her body was almost pushing up into me. Maybe it was just because I was high and turned on, but it felt like my fingers were being drawn lower by her body. At first it was just the swipe of a thumb across the top of her pecs, just below her collarbone. Then it was the slow, oily kneading of my pointer and middle fingers into the muscles of her upper chest while my thumbs stroked her collarbones and pulled her shoulders back, stretching her chest open.

Soon enough, I was kneading my palms into the top of her chests, my fingers haphazardly falling down and starting to feel the upper curve of her breast. These kneading motions were making her sigh and groan, her chest heaving upwards with each breath. While all signs were obviously pointing towards moving further, I still wanted to check in verbally, and bent my head down to whisper in her ear, asking "is this still okay?", while pressing down towards her breasts with my palms.

Her eyes opened for the first time in what felt like ages as she looked up at me. I don't know how to describe the look on her face but it was so intimate - not lustful or seductive, but just intimate and close and tender. As my hands crept downwards, our eyes locked on each others, she breathed out a soft "mmm please" while slowly nodding her head.

The tips of my fingers started to curve around the tops of her breasts, my palms dragging the soft flesh downwards, kneading into the muscles just above them. Just as my fingers were about to brush across her nipples, I slid them outwards, profiling the sides of her boobs, my palms now massaging into the tops of her breasts. God they felt so warm and delicate in my hands, her skin filling into the voids between my fingers as I wrapped beneath her breasts.

The thick muscular part of my hand at the base of my thumb applied pressure evenly to both of her breasts, just above her nipples, my fingers gripping slightly and kneading circularly. At first I tried to just explore a few different motions and pressures, trying to hone in to her breath and reaction to my touch. I could feel her body almost vibrating, pulsing even as I massaged into the muscles supporting the sides of her boobs, lifting them slightly and relieving her chest of any weight.

I found a few different massaging strokes that she liked - kneading into the sides of her breasts, gently rubbing circles around her nipples with my thumbs, and supporting and spreading her breasts outwards from below while rubbing softly over her sternum. She was remaining mostly silent, the same few deep breaths, groans, and sighs escaping from time to time.

Her relative silence abruptly broke though as I finally let my pointer and middle fingers slide up her breasts, each finger framing the outside of her nipple, squeezing inwards gently. Her lips parted and she let out a low, needy moan as she arched her lower back and pressed her chest outwards. In doing so, she took a little bit of control and elevated the tension, actively declaring her own pleasure and giving me the greenlight to push back.

Once I completed the slow, tense stroke up her breasts, I traced my fingers out to the sides of her collarbones, then back down the sides of her chest. Starting again at the base of her breast, my fingers dragged upwards, this time pressing into her chest and squeezing a little harder against her nipples, eliciting a slightly louder moan. I continued this stroke over and over, each time getting a little more tense and applying a little more pressure. After ten or fifteen passes of this I could practically feel her body vibrating with my touch, and I transitioned to mostly just focusing on her nipples, lightly squeezing them, running my oily fingertips back and forth across them ... ugh I was in absolute heaven.

Her moans were growing louder and louder and her body was starting to writhe around, shaking back and forth from side to side and shivering with my more intense motions. We seemed to reach a point though where neither of us were either ready or knew how to push forward. Sure, I could have started to move my hands lower down towards her waist, but with the way she was seated she would have had to stand or readjust, and any movement from our position felt like the reality of everything would come crashing down on us.

I wasn't afraid that something bad would happen per-se, but it felt like we were in this sensually intimate zone, and as soon as we broke and had the chance to collect our thoughts we would stop. Maybe that doesn't make any sense, and as you'll see in future parts that is obviously not the case, but in the moment there was still an aura of trepidation around us and what we were doing.

Instead of pushing forward, once I felt like she had reached a peak and her moans were starting to lose intensity, I started to ramp down the teasing and nipple contact. I worked in an abbreviated reverse order, transitioning back to massaging her breasts, then up her chest to her shoulders, then her neck, finally ending by massaging the top of her head and scalp.

She stayed wordless, her bodyweight now fully relaxed and resting into my legs as my fingers scratched across her scalp, undoing her ponytail and softly stroking through her hair. Once my heartrate had returned to normal and she seemed fully relaxed, I broke our silence, leaning down and telling her how much fun that was. She sighed and rested her head against my thigh, stroking the front of my calves over my pants with her fingers - an intimate yet gentle gesture.

She agreed with me, just saying "wow, that was amazing", letting out a large sigh afterwards. I gently caressed the side of her head one more time, then stood both of us up together, with her turning to face me. In unison we both stretched upwards at the same time, giggling to ourselves at our timing. Her breasts bounced when she laughed, and I couldn't help myself and reached my right hand up, poking her nipple and saying "boop". This caused her to laugh harder, with her playfully hitting my hand away.

Quickly jumping back into our usual teasing and playfulness, I said "so what happened to don't get any ideas?".

Emma smiled and bent down to pick up her sweater, saying "I mean it was just a massage right? I'll take a free massage like that any day from you", then tapping on my nose with her finger and stepping to walk past me, disappearing down the hall towards her bathroom.

As I went to the sink to wash my hands, I realized just how late it was, now almost half past two am. She soon returned from the bathroom and grabbed her phone off the coffee table, seeing the time and having the same "how long were we doing that" reaction as myself.

She asked if I wanted to just sleep there since it was so late and I readily agreed, not wanting to walk the twenty minutes home in the rain and cold. After using some mouthwash and rinsing off my face, I started to make my way back to the couch, but just before I could pick up a blanket she said "oh come on, just sleep in my bed" and then with one last grin ended the night with "but remember, no bright ideas."

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