I got caught. And it was the best thing thats ever happened. [MF] part – Adorime
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I got caught. And it was the best thing thats ever happened. [MF] part 2

Aug 20, 2024

Jordan Zhou

Sorry for my grammar. Im not a writer by any means.

Part 2

Thursday Midnight-ish. I couldn't sleep, too much excitement for one day. I rolled a joint and lit the fire pit in the garden. Unsurprisingly Hannah doesn't smoke but she likes the smell. Occasionally she'll join me if she's awake, especially if the fires lit, we'll sit out like night owls for hours. Tonight was one of those nights. We watched few videos and made some small talk and she slipped a subtle question here and there. "What did you both do while we were out", I played dumb, "Nowt.. why?"

She paused "you're acting really off with me lately, whats wrong?" I took a more defensive approach because didn't really know what else to do "Hannah stop asking me stupid questions! Nothings wrong, i was playing cod, Ash was doing her hair. What you getting at?" She left it at that and after a while disappeared back into the house. I sat out a little longer and messaged Ash.

You still up?

A: i am now?

She's totally onto us you know

A: oh shit šŸ«¢

A: why?

A: what did she say?

Asking what we did and said im acting weird

A: and you said?

Nothing. Said i was upstairs and you was doing your hair

A: šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø idiot


A: my hair was wet!!

Ah! She wouldn't of noticed, be fine

Oooorr just tell her? You tell her she wont be mad at you

After that the quick fire texts stopped. Radio silence, i just assumed she fell asleep but 10 minutes later my phone rings

"You're still alive!"

A: "ha Its too hot i can't sleep" i could tell she was tired, she sounded husky and slow.. but at the same time really sexy

"Me neither, Im outside. What do you think then? Are you saying something to her?"

A: "am i fuck! I don't understand what you want me to say? hi Hannah. Oh by the way, i sucked your brothers dick while you was gone. Hope you don't mind! And what, she's just gonna be like, aww cool have fun!"

"Well if you say it like that obviously not"


"so what do we do?"

A: "NOTHING! Don't say anything. I'll see you tomorrow"

Friday night. I wasn't home, i'd been helping a friend all day and afterwards went back to his place. I got a text not long after Ash usually arrives

A: where you at?

Adam's why?

A: awww šŸ˜¢

You missing me?

A: šŸ˜­

Shall i come home?

A: lmao noo its okay

Immediately, i didn't want to be there anymore i just had the urge to go home, after an hour i had enough. Adam dropped me off, i walked in and straight into the kitchen. As i turned around Ashley was stood behind me, her face lit up! She stepped towards me and out of nowhere kissed me for the first time! It completely blew me away giving me butterflies

Her face beaming. "Hi!"

"Bloody hell! Where did that come from!?"

She just smiled, shrugged and walked out. We sat watching Dune until it got pretty late. I must've spent more time looking at her than i did watching the film, she looked cute in her pj shorts and oversized shirt. After i went into the garden again for a sleepy medicine stick, she came with whilst Hannah got ready for bed, then hit me with a random question..

A: "How many people have you slept with?"

It was confession time. I've always portrayed the image of being this cool no fucks given, shag anything that breathes kinda guy but that wasn't true. My body count is 1. Or more accurately zero because that experience is just something i put in the past. I had plenty of experience in foreplay however, so i answered her honestly.


A: "shut up! How many!?"

"Seriously. None" with a straight face i looked her in the eyes to show her i wasn't messing with her

A: "what!! I don't believe you! You was seeing someone a few months ago"

"I know. We didn't sleep with each other though"

A: "..Really?"

I nodded. Her body language completely changed. Looking down with a smile on her face, she started running her hair through her fingers, she does that when she's thinking. I was very curious myself so i asked her the same.

"What about you?"

She grinned a little as if embarrassed and shook her head


A: "I've never slept with anyone"

"GET TO FUCK! no way!"

A: "i promise i haven't, the only dick thats touched these lips is yours!"

"So where the fuck did you learn that?!"

She laughed

A: "its not difficult is it, i just went with what felt right"

I couldn't believe it but it started to make sense. The way she acts, the little experimentations and surprised reactions. I felt flattered and a little possessive of her. later in my room, i wasn't for sleeping once again. That kiss was all i could think about, that and what she'd just confessed to me. It wasn't long before my phone pinged and the words i read made my dick grow and heart pound

A: Im so horny

Is there something i can do?

A: you could put your dick inside me?

I read it over and over, i wasn't sure how to respond so i replied. Now?

A: LOL yeah come fuck me on Hannah's bed

I will!

A: lmao shut up!

A: figure it out!!

The challenge set, I desperately wanted to fuck her i just needed a plan and a place. I brainstormed, her house was off the table. Her house is never free, plus her dads a prick! Not to mention he's built like a tank.. fuck that! We went back and forth messaging. She even mentioned her car at one point but it's tiny and just didn't seem right. Then i came to me..

Ive got an idea!

A: okay??

Just get a hotel room for the night!

A: thats actually a really nice idea šŸ„°

It was a date! Straight away i was online looking for the closest place, i found one with vacancy nearby and got it booked for the following night.

Saturday night. The plan was set in stone, it was already pretty late but i'd showered trimmed and shaved. A quick pssst pssst pssst of Hugo boss and i was out the door, i met her down the road to avoid any unwanted attention and opened the car door


Puzzled, bringing her hand to her chest "what??"

"Why you so dressed up?" She made such an effort unlike me in jeans, t shirt and trainers, she looked stunning wearing a dark blue dress and a matching wedged heels, her breast were barely contained by the thin straps "you look amazing!"

After a 10 minute drive we arrived at the hotel. Both sheepishly walking through the reception clinging to each-others sweaty palms feeling as though everyone knew what we were there for, i felt like everyone's eyes were drawn to us but it was most likely the fact that Ashley looked like a fucking model!! We got our keycard and got to our room. Ash sat on the bottom of the bed and untied her heels. With a bit of nervous confusion of how we were supposed to initiate our romantic perfectly planned out sex session i let Ash take the lead to her own pace. She pulled me on top and i kissed every part of her neck working my way down to the velvety smooth skin of her breast, then she asked..

A: "did you bring a condom?"

I shot back up"FUCK! No!"

A: "i can get the morning after pill i guess?"

Oblivious to what that even is, i decided it wasn't worth the risk "they'll have them in the toilets, 2 secs" and off i legged it down the hallway, Shoved the mens door open with my elbow and was met by a group of drunken 40 somethings ready for a night out. Heading straight for the seedy rubber dispenser one of them noticed.

"YOU GETTING LUCKY FELLA?!" which set the whole heard off "WAAAAAYY" "GO ON LAD!" "GIVE ERR ONE FROM ME MATE!" Fuck me i couldn't get out fast enough, with a pack in my hand i ran back and opened the door to a dimly lit room and Ash stood beside the bed. "You find some?" I didn't speak, just straight back to kissing, throwing her backwards onto the sheets picking up exactly where i left off. I couldn't wait to see what was hiding underneath, peeling her straps off her shoulders i realised she was still zipped up, a quick reach around i managed to unzip her and pulled her dress down to her stomach. Her bra was strapless and latched at the front. Undoing the latch i thought her tits would 'fall out' they didn't..

I unveiled the most perfect teardrop shaped tits my own imagination couldn't even create, her nipples were perfectly centred sensitive buttons sat on top of her areola just a shade of pink darker than her milky skin. I paused for what must of been 10 seconds to soak it in "oh my god, they're unreal!" Nudging her nipple with my lips they hardened, even her hair follicles surrounding her nipples raised, i felt the goosebumps on her arms which triggered mine, slowly i put her nipple in my mouth teasing by nibbling and licking until sucking on them, she moaned so softly in my ear it sent a rush through my body, my dick bulged so hard in my jeans i had to unzip for some room.

I pulled on her dress, she helped by lifting her hips for me to slide it down her legs and i took the opportunity to remove my jeans and shorts. Leaving her knickers on i nuzzled my way back up to her breast, inhaling her scent and kissing the middle of her chest she squeezed her tits into my cheeks then i made my way downtown, her hips started swaying and i was so eager to lick her pussy my mouth was salivating.

Panties off I finally got to see what I can only describe as a god pussy! Totally shaven smooth and puffy, her labia and clit were so tidy and small, i parted her legs and glanced at a hole that seemed impossible for my cock to fit in. My lips felt their way to the bump of her hood and i scooped her clit with my tongue. She bucked hard with a loud moan each time, moving down a little i couldn't believe how wet her pussy had gotten, one lick and a string of saliva mixed with her juices dripped down my chin. I buried my tongue inside for a taste entering with a pointed tip and widening on my retract.. well trying, her loud moans seemed uncontrollable as I continued until my absolutely pulsating cock told me it was time.

I shuffled back up, my arms pushed straight holding my body up, my nerves kicked it and my arms shook. The tip of my cock rubbed up and down her clit until it aligned with the rim of her drenched hole, i could feel her heart pounding along with mine, it felt so intoxicating that in the heat of the moment we completely forgot about the condom id just sprinted for! I pushed in slowly, the tip of my head slipped in with ease past her tight lips until about a quarter of my shaft and she pushed me back with her hands. "You okay?" I asked "just go slow" she whispered.

Trying my best to not hurt her i pushed again to the same depth, then pulled out and used her natural lube mixed in with my dribbling pre cum to very slowly push in the whole length of my cock into what felt like a hot wet pillow, she wriggled upwards digging her nails into my back and wrapped her legs around me, i stuffed myself so far into her hole i could feel the wet of her pussy on my balls, her mouth was open but she made no sound until i slid out and pressed back inside her the second time.

We fucked missionary with literally every part of our sweaty skin touching eachother for a few minutes, "Don't stop! Please don't stop" she whimpered "oh fuck don't stop I'm cumming" her words triggered me like crazy but i held on for dear life! Her body wriggled and spasmed before her legs started shaking, suddenly i felt the grip of her tight pussy around my cock loosen slightly. Her pussy become so wet that my cock filling her hole became audible. After a huge sigh of relief her body relaxed and i looked down.. my dick was covered with her cum!

After we caught our breath, part of my fantasies of fucking her was from behind. I pulled her to the edge of the bed as i stood, flipped her over with her back arched (fucking unreal sight) my cock now slid in effortlessly into her stretched hole. Gripping her hips i used her like a doll pulling and sliding her onto my cock, i pumped and thrusted deep inside whilst she stuttered "fe-feels s s so good!" I fucked her so hard my balls started tapping her clit making her cum once again, just as she did i felt the rush, the light at the end of the tunnel! I came so hard my legs weakened and i got fucking stuck buried inside her! I dumped a pool of cum into her before i managed to pull out spilling the rest her arse and legs! "OH NO NO NO!" I shouted as she collapsed onto the bed. "Ash i fucking came so much inside you!!"

Completely out of breath she responded with "i know i felt it!" Post nut panic set in, i shat myself realising the potential risk, i cum like a fucking fire hydrant too so i know id of absolutely filled her up! "No Ash i really cummed loads inside you!" My panic was halted however with "ARE YOU GONNA WIPE ME DOWN OR AM I JUST SITTING HERE LIKE A USED DISH RAG!?" We cleaned up, showered and slept.

Sunday. We slept in until about 15 mins before we had to check out, so rushing around we didn't get the opportunity to have another round before heading back. In the car it was obvious we wanted eachother, we couldn't keep sneaking around anymore and decided it was time to tell Hannahā€¦

ā€¦Part 3?

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