I got caught, and its the best thing thats ever happened. [MF] part 3. – Adorime
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I got caught, and its the best thing thats ever happened. [MF] part 3.

Aug 20, 2024

Jordan Zhou

To make sense of it, if you haven't already start with part 1 & 2.

Part 3

In the car on the way back we spoke about when and how we'd break the news. But i was still pretty panicked about the accidental creampie Ash received the night before. As terrified as i was, she seemed really calm about it

"Are we going to the pharmacy or..?"

She laughed "will you shut up about it" I must of mentioned it every 10 minutes

"Ash! i literally came a full load inside you! I case you didn't know.. thats how fucking babies are made!"

A: "i know you did! trust me, i felt it!"

"Right exactly so what do we do?"

A: "Stop worrying! Im practically due on my period anyway it'll be fine. Im not even sure if I have period pains or its because we had sex, my stomachs killing me"

"Your stomach..?"

"Not my actual stomach you pleb, its here" (rubbing the lower part of her abdomen)

"Oh. Sorry, why didn't you say something"

A: "i mean, it hurt but i wasn't saying stop.."

We pulled into the driveway and sat there for a minute collecting our thoughts "you ready?" I asked, "yeah come on, let's just get it out of the way" i love her forward attitude, she's just calm and collected about everything.

We walk through the door together and Hannah was sat in the kitchen, the utter confusion on her face was a picture to be framed as she just silently looked back and forth at the pair of us. "We need to tell you something" i said. Hannah jumps up out of her chair "I FUCKING KNEW IT!.. I KNEW IT! HOW LONG FOR??"

To my surprise she didn't seem upset at all, she was infact smiling which just made the whole situation easier.

"About a week now"

H: "oh my god I can't believe it!"

My mum came downstairs in a panic hearing the commotion "whats happened?"

H: "these two are a thing now!"

My mum was over the moon as expected, i think secretly deep down they both knew something was going on, its a hard thing to hide under the same roof. Thats the impression i got anyway. We chilled for the majority of the day before she had to leave. A day later she come around after work but not long after Ash disappeared upstairs for a while and came back looking glum. "Whats wrong?" I asked.

A: "I'm bleeding. So you can stop shitting yourself now"

Great news for me! "Do you want me to do anything?"

A: "no I'm going home, i want my hot water bottle and my bed"

Being no stranger to a woman's menstrual cycle and the mood swings that can follow, I've lived with two women after all, i gave her the space she needed. Later that night we had a long conversation on the phone and i told her i wanted to take her out for an official date, to which she agreed.

Few days later. Ash looking fine as always, dressed casual in a long cardigan, jeans and her white strap birkens, very cute look. We went to a not top tier but fairly fancy restaurant i know of. We sat out of the way in the shadows of the dimly lit room, just the flicker of candle light placed on our table, how romantic! However, knowing each other for as long as we have we dined without the awkwardness you would typically have on a first date and our conversation soon turned into a spicy one.

I wanted to know more about her hidden naughty side, she told me things that i was oblivious to, like the vibrator she owns, how she can cum without penetration from it and how sensitive her nipples become when she's turned on. I fished for more wanting to know what she fantasises about. Her thinking face turned into a more seductive look, she'd slipped her shoe off and rubbed her foot up my leg then pressed her black painted toes hard into my crotch, I'm not big on the foot fetish thing but i appreciate a pretty pair. Ladies hit me up! (IM JOKING) but like the rest of Ashley her feet are a fucking picture, id have no issue sucking on her toes if she was into it, but then again i doubt theres a single part of her i wouldn't be willing to lick and suck on at this point!

What really made me laugh was the older couple glancing over at us occasionally, cueing over what they thought was two young love birds on their romantic first date. Little did they know her foot was rubbing my cock under the table whilst she's still likely carrying traces of my offspring i buried deep inside her a few nights before!

After confessing to me that she did actually think about me long before my erm.. panty snatching scenario, i sat once again throbbing hard up against my zipper making my own sticky pudding whilst she told me her desires.

A: "wellā€¦ i want you to pull on my hair"


A: "while i suck your dick"


A: "and cum in my mouthā€¦"

"You wanna be my cum queen?"

A: "if thats what you want to call it. Yes"

Well shit! Her words set my imagination off down a horny rabbit hole, so much so i had to move her foot before being over stimulated.

Later that night, we were at mine. My phone rings and i didn't answer because the name that appeared on my screen wasn't someone you'd have a conversation with around your mother.

Let me introduce you to a man we nicknamed, Jizz.

One of the close childhood circle of friends, he's the loudest most obnoxious, what you would describe as a "mad lad" you could meet. Yet despite looking like he was born and raised in a nuclear fall out zone, he's somehow managed to sleep with more women than I've had hot meals. A little like Jay on the inbetweeners (uk tv series) his stories are not for the faint hearted, but unlike the bullshit that spurts from Jays mouth. His are very much real and he spins his tales using his favourite word.. hence the name Jizz. However, as disgraceful as he may seem, he's a very good reliable friend, humble and very intelligent but what you wouldn't expect looking at his scruffy appearance is that he's actually extremely well off.. (i know it's obvious) living comfortably with his parents, if it isn't a night out he's planned, he will often be a party host whilst his parents are away on their travels. Not long after a text comes through.

"mine Tmoz. Don't be a bitch"

The timing is never convenient but its not something you'd miss out on. Hannah and Ashley being a part of that circle i let them know to prepare for a serious hangover.

So, a small horde of party animals wander through the gates of Jizz palace. When i said well off, im talking a large detached 6 bedroom multiple bathroom privately gated manor. This guy uses a brand new Audi s3 as a work vanā€¦. He's fucking 19!

Proud to show off the newly installed private mini bar the alcohol flowed like a natural spring into our thirsty mouths. Hannah was absolutely fucked beyond recognition! A very rare sight from her former stiff self. With her alcohol fuelled vocal cords she took the opportunity to alert everyone of mine and Ashleys new relationship, i must've heard her screech the news into the bleeding ears of her victims a hundred times, this of course was a cause for celebration and out came the tequila and sambuca shots.

It got late and most had dropped out. After drinking my body weight in spirits, the light headed feeling took over. I went outside for some fresh air, and while i don't normally smoke cigarettes, i do become a social smoker when drunk. After stealing a cigarette from whoever could supply and talking absolutely shit to someone that couldn't even hear me, the voice of the party host appeared behind me.

Jizz yanked the cigarette out from my mouth "fuck them mate, they'll kill you" then presented a tightly rolled joint the length of my hand. Stood around in a small group rubbing up on eachother to maintain balance we lit the party starter.

Whether just a bad combination of the two or if that thing was laced with something it was fucking STRONG. Each puff a person made was followed by streaming eyes and 2 minutes of continuous coughing. After one deep pull I realised and thought, yeah.. fuck that. The warm sweaty air walking back into the house was when it hit me, if I wasn't dizzy before i sure as fuck was dizzy now! For a minute i thought i was going to throw up so i went to one of many bathrooms in the upstairs of Jizz palace. My hand firmly up against the wall i tried not to piss all over the toilet that's probably worth more than Ashleys car while i involuntarily bopped to the tunes blasting through the speakers.. yes theres speakers in the bathroom. Still feeling dizzy, i splashed my face in the cold water which made me feel slightly better but i decided to have a quick well needed rest in one of the spare rooms, only for it to be distributed by a bright light as the door swung open and in came Ashley like a one man swat team

A: "BAABE!!" She was FUCKED!!

A: "I've been looking for you! Oh my god are you okay??" Glaring at me wonky eyed

"Just resting my eyes" I mumbled but i was glad she was there, she stumbled into the room and sat on the bed with her hand on my stomach

A: "D'you want some water?" She asked swaying side to side

"Nahh i'll be right, i'll come down in a sec"

Her hand circling on my stomach found its way to the stretchy elastic of my sweat pants

A: "Shall i suck your dick instead"

As if by magic i didn't feel that bad all of the sudden "Errā€¦"

A: "will it make you feel better?" She asked rubbing her hand up and down my growing cock

"Yeahā€¦ i think so"

In one impressive motion she whipped my pants down making my dick catapult slapping my stomach. Without hesitation she took what is hers and eagerly put me into the warmth of her mouth. This is only the second time she's sucked my dick but goddamn had she improved! I felt her rolling her tongue on my tip with a little ā€˜tu' of spit she shoved me into the back of her throat, cleaning up the mess as she came back up. Remembering what she told me i wrapped a coil of her hair around my fist tightly and pulled her head down. She dug her nails into my thighs and let out a loud moan with my cock stuffed in her mouth. Even though i was partially numb it felt amazing! Continuing, It wasn't long before i could feel the inevitable brewing but being in the wrong position to feed her hungry mouth (I didn't want cum on me basically) i stood up. On her knees looking up at me with pleading eyes like a good girl i took control slowly dipping my cock into her mouth, holding her head my fingers clenched behind her ears while i used her. Heavily panting she gagged and moaned while Increased the pace being eager to fire my load

"are you ready?" I asked

Desperately awaiting her reward she moaned out "yeahh.."

She was not ready... Despite the 3 times we engaged in our "activities" she was yet to see what comes out of a poked fire, a friendly stream of watery precum is normal for me which she happily took, but once the thick heavy ropes burst from me with every throb it was obvious she took in more than she could handle! Her mouth filled up making her back away, still in the line of fire i shot more onto her clothes. Cum dribbled out from her mouth as she gargled out "WHAAA HU UCK!" Which just made me absolutely piss myself laughing, she then started laughingā€¦ then coughing, leading to me shouting "JUST SPIT IT OUT!" Credit to her though, covering her mouth with her hand she swallowed with tears down her face. After she caught her breath, wiped the tears from her eyes with her sleeve she said "that was alot!" I told her it's normal. "Tasted awfulā€¦. And you've ruined my top!"

We slept there that night awaiting a groggy morning. Still yet to fuck her in my own bed, but not to worry. Friday's right around the corner..

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